Telechart 2007 and others


Hopefully this wasn't asked before. Apologize if it was a repost!

I'm a newbie and looking to buy a charting/scanning/back testing software (for US markets). I didn't find reviews (and comparison) of Amibroker, Telechart etc. The links in sticky post don't work.

If I've to choose between Telechart and Amibroker, which one should I choose and why?

Hopefully this wasn't asked before. Apologize if it was a repost!

I'm a newbie and looking to buy a charting/scanning/back testing software (for US markets). I didn't find reviews (and comparison) of Amibroker, Telechart etc. The links in sticky post don't work.

If I've to choose between Telechart and Amibroker, which one should I choose and why?


Hi there,

These are two different programs IMO. Amibroker can display carts, can do technical analysis and backtesting, plus a lot more, for a one time fee. You need to subscribe to a data vendor to get prices, real-time or end-of-day. I do not use it but I heard good things about it.

TeleChart, the simple version, is an end-of day program that you can use to scan only US equities and perform simple technical analysis. No back testing and no quotes. You need the real-time version for that.

You need to be more specific and other posters will offer you good advice.

Thanks. I just need a desktop based software that I can use for TA, back testing and scanning. Ability to place trades will be nice. I currently use QuoteTracker for real time quotes. It looks like I will need both Amibroker and Telechart since Amibroker does not support scan. I looked at other platforms like Tradestation, RealTick etc. Too expensive for me.