Telechart 2000

I am looking for charting / analysis s/w. Telechart has been suggested to me. Has anyone used it and/or got an opinion on it.

What would be your preferred s/w and why?
I assume you are aware that TC2000 covers US stocks and indices and end-of-day data? All 8,000 odd stocks!

They're bringing out a new version (5.1) for EOD which will ship in May, so if you did subscribe to their service they will probably hold your order until the new version.

There is a real-time version as well, but I assume from your post that you are looking at EOD only.

The software is good and reliable, and the feed is cheap at £19.30 per month - there is no charge for the software itself although Worden Brothers (authors) charge a one-off $10 shipping charge for UK.

I've not found any software which is a) cheaper and b) better, for analying US stocks end-of-day. The searching facility is very powerful, and you can search on all sorts of criteria, including technical indicators. You pay per month, by credit card, so if you don't like it you're not obliged to carry on paying.

They also supply you with tutorial CDs to help you get to grips with the software, particularly the searching, sorting and datamining.
Hi September Mist

Welcome to T2W 🙂

I have to agree with everything Skim has said. For EOD US Stocks it is as close to perfect as you can get without spending really silly money.

If it's UK shares your interested in then Sharescope is by far and away the best bet

I fully support the views expressed by Skim and FB. A terrific value package for eod traders, and as you can update with 20 min delayed data at anytime of day, you can update intraday and run your favourite routines. For instance I run a routine about an hour after the open to search for 1 and 2 day islands, some of which will be evident by then and which can then be traded.

If you get the CD for $10 shipping, you can play with all the features with a databank up to the date of the CD, and only start paying the $29.95 per month for daily updates once you are happy to do so.

Spend that $10!
maybe you should check out and market watch. their cost is about 450 usd but package charting all markets (except india) and education seems to be can always try out one monh trial.
but as such this group ino,tv i feel they are indeed providing excellent service ,affordable for all categories.
Also try out inotv marketclub charting

maybe you should check out and market watch. their cost is about 450 usd but package charting all markets (except india) and education seems to be can always try out one monh trial.
but as such this group ino,tv i feel they are indeed providing excellent service ,affordable for all categories.
