The bottom line is, do not listen or follow anyone that is not proven and/or 100% transparent. Of course these talking heads on TV have their own motives, and most of the time its to sell a book or subscription service. Just look at the najarian brothers, all they do is pump their book and website - they are all the same (well most are, but I like Rick Santelli). Then you have the upgrades and downgrades by big banks and such, those are so they can get out of their position at highs/lows and sell to you for profit. I may sound bitter lol but its really that I have been doing this for a while and I learned that like some others said, you can't listen to the noise, you need to learn and empower yourself before you act, especially before you act on the advice of someone else! There are a few places on the web where you can find some good traders, but you really need to first make sure that they are worthy of your time before you follow much less act on anything they tell you! Sorry for the rant