I have no answer on this, or rather I have too many of them. Sometimes I hold each trade until the chart gives a contrary signal, sometimes I get out before that but after an energetic move in my favour, and sometimes I close the whole portfolio just because total unrealised profit looks tempting. Right now I'm pyramiding. I wish I could work this out.
How would you determine what size to scale out with?
This would depend on how strong I judge the longer term trend (longer term, than the first exit) and also if there are any potential problem arears coming up soon, a typical problem point may be a prior area of support and or resistance.
Would you rebuy a position at a better price if the price action turns again?
I would not buy at a lower price than my last entry if my last entry is still an open trade and not in a secured profit situation, otherwise yes I would.
But what I do may not work for you because I am trading my beliefs and my emotions.