success stories


Junior member
Hi all,

I,ve been trading for about 3-4 years now and had to take a break for the last 6 months due to different reasons. I am now getting back into it and just wondered if there is anyone out there with a similar trading style as me that has enjoyed good constant success.

I am a technical trader who trades US stocks, indices and some currencies. I hold for 1 day to a week (ish) and try to keep my trading simple.
I try to buy strong stocks at support and vica verca.

I use spread betting accounts.

Any success stories out there?? I would really love to hear them and on average how many points per week or month you are making.

All the best for 2010...
more disaster stories as far as I can see !

Well I just trade Mexico s IPC, and had a big winner with Minera Autlan in 2008, bought it for 5 pesos and sold it for 90 pesos. This year hasnt been as good as the previous, but still making a 40% more now and next year looks fine too. This is my 5th trading year. Greetings to all.