Sub 10 min time frame Methods.


Experienced member
I am limiting my trading times to two hours twice a week on a Tuesday and Thursday evening. This is in order to spend more time with my young family.

So I have been trading off 10 and fifteen minute charts. The trouble is that the two systems/methods I have tried so far don’t offer many signals and often I can go with out trades:mad:. I am trading a two hour period between 7- 10pm and FX can be a little slow sometimes.

Can you suggest or point me in the direction for some system ideas, that may offer more trade signals.

Or do you think that trading price action can work in such small time frames at this time of day?

Thank you for giving this your consideration.

Trading the first hour after the open and then an hour after they get back from lunch sounds like a starting point?

Thank you for your reply.
I know, that would be great, part of the problem is that I am at work at all the open times.
The only open I am around for is the Frankfurt, but I am then out of the house ½ an hour later at 6.30am. So ideally I am looking for some methods that would give quite a few signals in the evening times.
Kind Regards
If the market is quiet and has no clear trend, I would focus on a mean revision strategy.
I am limiting my trading times to two hours twice a week on a Tuesday and Thursday evening. This is in order to spend more time with my young family.

So I have been trading off 10 and fifteen minute charts. The trouble is that the two systems/methods I have tried so far don’t offer many signals and often I can go with out trades:mad:. I am trading a two hour period between 7- 10pm and FX can be a little slow sometimes.

Can you suggest or point me in the direction for some system ideas, that may offer more trade signals.

Or do you think that trading price action can work in such small time frames at this time of day?

Thank you for giving this your consideration.


Hi Jason

US is open

I assume you do longer tf analysis prior = its how much $ made, not how many trades made :idea:

the best and leave the rest imvho

your advantage is you do not need to trade every day, and are not under pressure to make anything happen = good advice posted by td some time ago on another thread

all the best with it Jason :clover:

I trade 1 hour per day @ the US open (2.30-3.30) using a 30-tick chart on the ES. ^^ Maybe go lower-time frame