Steve Nison Books


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Hello Guys,

Which of the Steve Nison books is the best one to buy as i dont want to purchase ones that go over the same ground.

If anyone has read them all could you please post your thoughts


2 books.....

Japanese Candlesticks Charting Techniques:
For 302 pages of Indepth discussion on the subject.....

Beyond Candlesticks:
271 pagesof some repeats on above but good for new subjects like - Thre Line Breaks, Kagi and Renko.......

In my opinion it is worth reading both these books....I have both in my library....
November 2002 Issue of Technical Analysis of Stock and Commodities had a very interesting article on - How Reliable are Candlesticks by Giovanni Maiani.

It is worth a read as well.....for statistics on the sucess rate and occurance of all patterns.
"If anyone has read them all could you please post your thoughts" as you asked thoughts are save your money.
I have read them. I think there is nothing there which cannot be found online. Do not attempt to make money using candlestick patterns alone. If you do, It is likely you will end up living in a cardboard box.
There is a paperback by the same author "Japanese Candlestick Course". I have his first book, and 'beyond' and this little paperback which is worth 100 times the other two weightier tomes combined.


Because it's concise, well indexed, well presented, clear, no waffle and extremely sensibly structured. And the real clincher for me - it packs more info into less words with greater comprehension and takes less time to read. A knockout combination and a rare one in trading books generally as far as I am concerned.
"Chump can you expand on that please" 6 get's most of my thoughts on the subject

Choce is yours......You asked a question about which Nison books are good.....and you have a choice....

.......Why is recommended Nison books a waste of time.....perhaps further explanation would help....

...OK candlesticks info is available onlne......perhaps a link would help....

OK...there are many books I have read and discarded - but then it was a a choice made by me AFTER reading the material....and then making decision....Not because someone says it......Why should someone make any decision on my behalf as to what should I read and what not.....
Hello Guys,

Which of the Steve Nison books is the best one to buy as i dont want to purchase ones that go over the same ground.

If anyone has read them all could you please post your thoughts



Not only should you buy The Candlestick Course, but I would suggest buying some of his workshops on DVD if you have the extra cash or at least attending his next live training sessions usually hosted by a broker or trading group.

Have you looked at any of Mark Douglas's books? Those are great as well.
Read both his books and saw the DVDs.

Great stuff but we very careful how you use them. As he says himself Candles are a tool not a system.

Do not go against the major trend no matter what candle signal you get.

Best way to use candles is in a sub-trend. for eg hammer or bullisg engulfing after a retracement. those are great in my opinion.
All together now....."the trend is your friend" ;-)

GJ interesting as I find Nison's work, the problem is if you study his books/dvds too much, your mind autumatically gets trained with the culture of looking for tops and bottoms- not healthy at all IMO.