About SpreadTradeSystems, now OptionsAnimal and alternative MarketTamer
Having posted posted positively about spreadtradesystems in another T2W forum, I wanted to offer an update in this thread. First, is that the program formerly under that name is now designated OptionsAnimal at optionsanimal.com. I re-iterate that I feel the investment in the education was worth it, even with all the free stuff that's out there. I think the basic cost is now in the 6500-7000 range with other choices/mentoring for additional fee(s). Whereas the original STS program was a lifetime "membership", that is no longer the case, though they have demonstrated integrity in "grandfathering" that aspect to prior existing members so far.
For anyone interested in an options educational program such as this, I would also highly recommend MarketTamer.com, the staff of which includes outstanding prior spreadtradesystems coaches. The markettamer site offers free weekly live webinar chats and frequent free video/blog updates on the website. Since I only partake of the latter, I do not know their pricing/course structure specifics.
As in my prior post, I reiterate my negative experience with Investtools. As for their prophet.net site, much of that is free and other available by subscription. For that matter, there are other websites that offer similar information for free, including StockFetcher -
StockFetcher.com - Stock Screening and Barchart -
Barchart.com - Sectors - Sectoring by Industry Groups. You can also check out PrudentTrader.com where you can get access to many good sector/industry relative strength charts for "donation" of $50 a year.