If you wish to adopt the strategy of selling options, very generally speaking, you are looking to take advantage of time erosion and / or an overpriced premium.
Whilst Oatman is quite correct that selling (naked) options is highly risky, there are several strategies that can be used to offset that risk (using both futures and options), yet still achieve your objective of profiting from time erosion or an overpriced premium.
There simply isn't enough space to go into detail here about what strategies you could use.
However, my own personal opinion is that if you are really serious about options, don't use an SB firm, but a "normal" futures / options broker (e.g GNI).
Successful options trading is all about being able to understand the fair pricing of premium. In my experience, SB's spreads for options are so wide, that any real advantage of identifying an over / under priced option is negated.