Spread Trading stocks with IB


Junior member
I'm considering opening an account with IB. Does anyone have any experience building a long-short portfolio with them, consisting of say 10 long short positions as stock spread trades (stock 2 divided into stock 1), where the ensuing ratio is traded ?

I've scoured their site and found quite a bit on options/futures etc, but not much on how to go about spread trading stocks. Does anyone have experience doing this with IB, and if so, how straightforward was it ?
I'm considering opening an account with IB. Does anyone have any experience building a long-short portfolio with them, consisting of say 10 long short positions as stock spread trades (stock 2 divided into stock 1), where the ensuing ratio is traded ?

I've scoured their site and found quite a bit on options/futures etc, but not much on how to go about spread trading stocks. Does anyone have experience doing this with IB, and if so, how straightforward was it ?

"Spread Trading Stocks" - Anton Kreil is that you !?

Wait from my world view, I see a couple of buildings outside the window, some cars as usual and the weather is ok for mid October.

In the real world, Spreading is Futures Trading arbitrage on N and N+1 Contracts.

Get Over Anton, Investopedia teaches you L/S portfolios and all economic indicators for free.
"Spread Trading Stocks" - Anton Kreil is that you !?

Wait from my world view, I see a couple of buildings outside the window, some cars as usual and the weather is ok for mid October.

In the real world, Spreading is Futures Trading arbitrage on N and N+1 Contracts.

Get Over Anton, Investopedia teaches you L/S portfolios and all economic indicators for free.

Hehe...no its not Anton.

I did manage to figure out how to get it done in IB. You have to create a virtual security that tracks the spread, then monitor the individual long short equities separately in the rows beneath. There's no way (that I know) of creating an executable stop loss or profit taking braket order for the spread it self.