Spread Trade Insider - confused about deals

Hi I am a bit of an amateur share dealer and have somehow slowly made money since I started in 1992. I am always looking for some way to get myself a big leap forward and have seen and avoided many scams over the years. I have been looking at spreadbetting for a while now and opened a Capital Spreads demo account. I figure that until I can make money on this on a regular basis I wont use any real cash on this form of investing. I have been reading and reading and trying to learn and although I understand a fair bit about how it works now, my weakness is in the analytical data. I feel I will never understand it, maybe I am just not clever enough. I have palyed with RSI and MACD a little but I still cannot crack this. I feel desperate to discover a way forward that will actually achieve some real gains.

The other day I was sent an email from Spread Trade Insider run by Kevin Scott Welcome to Spread Trade Insider which will virtually tell you each week what to do. I thought another scam, so I checked it out and it seems to be the real thing at first. They offer a service for only £19.97 per week and you can cancel at any time which sound more like how you would want it to be. After all if its rubbish you leave and he misses out on loads of cash, so sounds right, yes? This sounded great for me exhasperated with all the work I put in only to fail quite often, here was a system that will just tell me what to do and he claims to never have had a losing week too, you can check the history. And your profits will cover your fee easily every week, so great, if it works.

I see there is another thread complaining about his profits as they dont allow for spread, ie sometimes there is a 5 point profit made sometimes, which it is argued, may not have actually cleared the spread, but that is explained to a point in that thread, pardon the pun. However overall he still seems to make profit even if you ignore these small deals.

My problems are these; I elected to receive his one free email forcast for this week, ie I received it yesterday, 14th September. I was worried about missing the prices so I created as many of his deals as possible to be done in my Capital spreads demo account as soon as it opened Monday morning to test the forcast. He had 18 trades which unfortuanetely I could not do all of, as some of the companies are not available which is a shame, however I checked them out and their movements today on the charts. Many of his deals are set so that you would have to open them at Fridays closing price and although sometimes this is possible, it seems most of the time it is not.

Today for example, one deal, Carpetright (CPR), the forcast said open a Sell at 662 which was Fridays close too, but on opening it was already at about 640, so can anyone tell me how you could do that? How could you open a Sell at 662?

That is just one example but I received an email later today saying although today was very turbulent, 14 of the 18 deals succeeded, but how can this be as CPR is typical of what happened and most of the open prices in the forcast are Fridays close, I checked the charts on all 18?

How can you get that price? Am I missing something, remember I am amateur? Surely he cannot be offering this system for all to check and get out of if not happy. The figures are there to check and decide whether to join or not.

Is there a service, if not this one that will do all the work for me? I am happy to pay commission or fee to anyone who garantees me a regular profit/income such as Spread Trade Insider claims, if it really works.

I am surprised sucessful spread traders on here do not do it for others, ie presumbly they are in it for the money and many on here claim to do well on a regular basis, ie its their living and if they are in it for the money I would give them more money for making me a regular profit so everyone gains. Why does that not happen or have I missed something?

Sorry if I have said the wrong thing anywhere here but there are just some things I do not understand.

I would appreciate any feedback, comments, etc on any of the things I mention above.

There is no way that you could have got that price to open. With the news yesterday the market gapped down significantyly. There will always be some movement from friday to monday, but that was an extreme, so dont expect it to happen all the time.

Lets assume a normal Monday. You would have placed the order to open at the price stated, and you may have missed it when the markets open. The price has gone in the wrong direction, but it may come back during the first few hours. Every price has a range at which it will trade (typically the ATR), so you may get into the trade but not at the opening price. If you place the order with your SB company they will do everything they can to fill that order once the markets are open. Going short on carpet right, you would have opened at that price, but as long as you did not set a limit on the order you may have stayed in a lot longer, as it did fall to 621. Today it has risen back to 660, so this may not have triggered normally.

I have not seen the trades placed by Kevin Scott, but from what I hear, he does not allow for spreads, commision costs etc, so the entries and profits may not be 100% accurate (but close).

I hope that helps in some of your questions.

Hi Jason thanks for your answer, I appreciate it.

So as that is a typical example is there anyway he could claim that 14 of the 18 trades were successful? I suppose he could in the way you describe, make some profit at least but not as much as forcast ie getting in at 640 instead of the preferred 662.
It seems to me these trades are meant for peole to try and get into first thing Monday morning if I understand right ( and I am not sure I do) so what should I do if they go the wrong way Monday morning before I can get in but for example Tuesday the price is right to get in? Surely with all the moves monday and time gone by, the figures are no longer relevant, and I should leave the deal undone, is that right?

Sorry if I am asking a very obvious and silly question, but I am just worried I am missing something and could still do the forcast deal anytime that week ( sounds silly as I write it actually but interested in any answers)? My guess is, if I cant get in monday morning, thats more or less the end of getting in at all on that particular share, is that right?

I ask this silly quetion also because I am wondering how he succeeded to get in on all those deals when the price altered so much from Fridays close, some seemed impossible to get in on to make anything at all.

Another question, with 18 deals in the forcast and bearing in mind they can move quite fast first thing monday morning, what would you do to get closest to the price you want on all 18, would you set them up sunday allowing for slight changes or would you attempt to do them all as quickly as possible Monday morning and get as close as you can?
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Hi, Im not a member of STI but ive had a good look at it. There is an FAQ on the STI site explains a few things. I agree it is not a scam, Kevin Scott makes money, but I think it would be difficult to get the same results.

Basically it is not a very strict forecast eg if they say enter long @ 1250 its still ok to enter at 1258 if the target price on the share is say approx 90p as the 8p that you have missed on entry is not a large percentage of the potential profit on that particular trade. Obviously if they say enter long @ 40p and the profit target is 15p you would not enter long if the price was 48p, the price is still 8p higher than the forecast entry level but on that particular trade it represents a much higher percentage of the potential profit. You have to use your own judgement on that. If a stock is heading in the right direction long or short it is ok to enter a few points of the forecast but be more careful on the smaller priced stocks.

Also STI say do not place orders until the market has been open for an hour or so because of the early morning volatility. Which means you would have to wait until the market settles and then view each stock to see if it is moving in the right direction before entering. I think that would be very difficult if there was 18 forecasts, maybe Kevin has a team doing this for him?? I dont think the forecast lasts for days if the stock is not traded Monday then you just forget about it.

I think the service would be much better if you knew exactly when to enter and exit which trades, but this would be hard for Kevin to constantly update.
I agree. If the trade does not work on the Monday, it will probably not work, as there is a lot of fundamental data used, as well as TA. I assume many of the trades are looking to bounce off trend lines, or breakouts. If it does not happen, then it is best to forget about them.

If you dont have another job to do, it is not that tricky to manage 18 trades, as you can add them al into a watchlist, with alerts set at points that will go off and beep loud. That would probably take about an hour to setup on the Sunday.

I have not subsribed yet, but may do, and try to get he list and see what happens with them.
Hi guys, my name is Jamie Sylvian, through my company Integral Communications Limited I am the publisher of STI.

I am not a trader, so I can't express detailed answers to some of the key questions here. I am not a regular forum user either, but interested in user and non user feedback.

All questions above have been regular questions since we started with Kevin on April 27th this year. You will appreciate that every trader is different and has different viewpoints, that's why I asked Kevin to agree to a weekly closing interview each week.

He is interviewed by the site editor Ciara and responds to questions just like these. Members email them in and Ciara compiles them for the interview, which is uploaded to the members area next to the results.

We try to be as transparent as possible with everything we are doing on the site, we have user surveys every month to make sure we are getting it as right as possible. I think the best way for anyone to take a view on the service is to sign up for the free results email, there is no cost.

Also, there is a new launch of the site at spreadtradeinsider.com (not co.uk anymore) which I feel better serves people interested as it explains the service much better.

In terms of being a scam, there really isn't much point. I would imagine forums like these are perfect for routing out questionable services so STI wouldn't last very long. Additionally we advertise now on some of the major trading sites in the UK. They would understandably not want our business were we seen as a dubious operation.

In my experience with Kevin he is a very gifted trader with a lot of experience behind him, the reason we chose to work with him on this project. His and Ciaras dedication to getting the service right for our members include many many late night phone calls, and 6am interviews.

I do believe that we are running a very useful service for traders in the UK, and as our membership grows we will continue to deliver an excellent service. It is a business I hope to build on to create a great site.

I don't get too much time to go through these forums, so forgive me if I do not respond to any points this posting raises, but I thought it important to 'set out our stall' and invite anyone to try the service for themselves to see if it is right for them.

Thanks for your time.
Whenever I see STI, I can only think of a nasty rash or disease. Never had one myself and using protective stops, I will never get one :)

I have not subscribed yet, so can not give any updates.
I have tried the service and consider that it is impossible to get anything like the results stated on the website. Prices have often moved before a trade can be put on, and the results do not include the b/o spread, which accounts for a significant reduction in the returns. I followed in for months, as a subscriber, both paper trading and with real money and made a loss. During this period, the site reported huge profits.
Dont need to worry about it now, as they are not doing the service anymore.

I did it for a month, and only had two weeks where trades were sugggested, and I did make profit both times. I used a little more sense, and only did trades that fitted with my style as well.
Hi i just checked there website have they definately scrapped the service? If they have thats almost proof that it was not any good... it is a shame as i have heard of kevin scott he is a good trader its just that the weekly forecast is difficult to trade with, if the trades were called live it would be alot better and they could ask for more money for the service.
If the trades were called live it would be alot better and they could ask for more money for the service.

I disagree. Other services with so called 'live trade calls' get a really bad press because the 'live' calls are out of date by the time the clients get hold of / act on the trade info. This then naturally leads to clients claiming that the trade calls are retrospective and again published results cannont be replicated by clients.

Far better, in my opinion, to have a service which gives clients some degree of warning so the client has a chance to enter a limit or stop order to catch the exact price. This way means that there can never be a dispute over the trades advertised on the websites.

Just my thoughts having read a million and one reviews of various trading services.

Hi Steve, I know what you mean ive read all the bull on the internet with signal services claiming amazing profits for 40$/month etc...with lots of unhappy customers! But I have been a member of a respectable live room (Phil Newtons) and trades are called verbally in live voice chat room before entry and exit, so there are no disputes,confusion or complaints. Also the trader cant claim anything after the event, winners and losers are all crystal clear!

I dont know if Kevin Scott could do this as his type of trading may not allow it?? Also I dont think he is a loan trader so that would make it even more difficult! But if he did offer a live voice chat room calling the trades of the forecast verbally and clearly maybe it could work?? The forecast is usually only for a day so the live room would only be one day per week. If he could live up to the claims published '322% in 34 weeks' on the STI website in a live room, then he could name his price for the subscription, and he would get alot more than £20/week!
Re: Spread Trade Insider -

Hi guys, my name is Jamie Sylvian, through my company Integral Communications Limited I am the publisher of STI.

I am not a trader, . . .
Well now it seems this gent IS a trader.
This is on free limited-time trial, which is an excellent opportunity to sample a product, and to be congratulated.
The issues this time are not to do with spread and opening gaps but, again:
1. what is advertised as a simple end-of-day, 15 mins to set up your orders, system, turns out, in many circumstances, to involve a fair amount of discretion and monitoring . . .
2. . . . and so a set of profits as actual results is not much of a guide without more info.
Think, if you knew nothing about trading, but knew there were some big moves, and you want to make a trading system to capture some of the moves, what would be the first sort of system you might consider.
I notice a very genuine testimonial on SMT from an experienced trader. However, for the rest of us, as "Al Silverstein" says, on this board, of his product from the same stable, regard the service as a way to learn about trading. Study the system, see the theory behind it of why it should make money, ask yourself why it might not make money, think what would be a proper test of the system, and think whether you have the time and opportunity to work it to its potential. If nothing else, the system should certainly make you think.
Re: Spread Trade Insider -

Well now it seems this gent IS a trader.

Hi, can i just ask why do you say, 'now it seems this guy is a trader' r u saying that it is Jamie calling the trades on SMT?
Also i notice the strategy is not crystal clear at the moment on SMT but to be fair they have acknowledged this and they are trying to make it so that everybody understands it before january 10th, hopefully they sort it out. In my opinion they would be better giving very clear instructions stop loss, targets etc... then they can say we made 55 pips etc.. but if there is too much discretion and taking the most optimum results it will just cause confusion and complaints! like wot happened with STI...
But overall if the teething problems are sorted out it should be a good service.
Re: Spread Trade Insider - Clarification

Please stop with these names. Im doubled over with laughter
here that i think i just sh1t my pants.

With SpreadTrader Pro.com, :LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL:

SimpleMoneyTree.com :LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL:

DeskTopTradeAlerts.com :LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL:
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Re: Spread Trade Insider - Clarification

That's the reason I hate forums. There are so many petty people on them ridiculing sensible people with valid point of view.

Silly little man.

I feel your pain bud, I get sick to the stomach of useless forex/spread-betting/ marketing propositions from *marketeers*, who have no grasp of the industry, but who wake up one day have a 'Eureka moment' and then get a 14 year old kid to throw up a site/series of sites with some crappy free software... what makes it even worse is whne they then try to generate a few useless hits by clumsily introducing themselves on T2W :whistling
Re: Spread Trade Insider - Clarification

That's the reason I hate forums. There are so many petty people on them ridiculing sensible people with valid point of view.

Silly little man.

6ft and 16 Stone silly man to be correct. Less of the litlle Mr bum boy.

Go and get on yer Web Design forum where none of u fookinn pc nerds
has any humor........

My dads bigger than yours.

Jumpers for goalposts n all that.....

Ha Ha Ha ha