SP500: October dips


Legendary member
Hi all,

Is there such a thing as trading by calendar ?

It has probably been mentioned somewhere else, but is October a good month to buy ?

I have heard the statistic that the last 3 months of the year "usually" results in the Dows biggets gains, giving rise to the myth ( ? ) that buying the Dow around Thanksgiving or after Labor Day is a good bet.

The SP500 seems to hit its loweest point, or one of its lowest points during October.

If you glance at the SP500, and by eyeline seek out a major low, you get:

1997: Oct 24
1998: Oct 09
1999: Oct 14
2000: Oct 17
2001: I wont count this due to the Sep 11 effetc
2002: Oct 09
2003: Oct 03 ( actually, this was a minor dip )

Whats the betting the Dow / SP500 has a localised dip in Octcober, and is the best buy to take us into the New Year ?

Apologies if this mentioned before, but I was looking at Gann, and his use of the Equinoxes as part of his methodology, when I saw the October dips.
I would think that with a US election in Nov your theory has a good chance to prove itself right this year.