SMS/e-mail Stock Price Alert Service



Looking for a service that can e-mail or SMS when a price crosses
a threshold price. Ideally one with web access or one that allows reset
of the alert at certain % to alert again if necessary.

It looks like globeinvestor gold can do this but it is $40 plus data access
fees per month.


Looking for a service that can e-mail or SMS when a price crosses
a threshold price. Ideally one with web access or one that allows reset
of the alert at certain % to alert again if necessary.

It looks like globeinvestor gold can do this but it is $40 plus data access
fees per month.

Interactive Brokers do this. Look at their online user manual - search for alerts and look at the page set price alerts and also the links on that page for email and sms

Obviously you would need to open an account and pay the market data feed for the markets you are interested in.

Interactive Brokers do this. Look at their online user manual - search for alerts and look at the page set price alerts and also the links on that page for email and sms

Obviously you would need to open an account and pay the market data feed for the markets you are interested in.


I actually am already a customer of interactive brokers. The problem as I said in my
original e-mail is that I need to be able to set the alert again when hit by only using a
web browser or have the alert automatically reset with a % or absolute value change. I
find that when I am at work, my initial alert will hit but I wish to adjust it a bit to inform
me again. For example if there is a breakout price, it may actually hit the resistance,
bend it a bit and then fall right back down. In this case I want to set the price alert
again at the same price. I don't believe Trader Workstation can do this on its own.

I actually am already a customer of interactive brokers. The problem as I said in my
original e-mail is that I need to be able to set the alert again when hit by only using a
web browser or have the alert automatically reset with a % or absolute value change. I
find that when I am at work, my initial alert will hit but I wish to adjust it a bit to inform
me again. For example if there is a breakout price, it may actually hit the resistance,
bend it a bit and then fall right back down. In this case I want to set the price alert
again at the same price. I don't believe Trader Workstation can do this on its own.


You can configure alerts to be repeatable. It certainly works with audio alerts but I haven't tried it with SMS. This just repeats the alert every time the condition is satisfied.

From the manual under "Configure alerts"

Repeatable - if checked, this feature will be checked by default in the Duration area of the Alerts page.


You can configure alerts to be repeatable. It certainly works with audio alerts but I haven't tried it with SMS. This just repeats the alert every time the condition is satisfied.

From the manual under "Configure alerts"

Repeatable - if checked, this feature will be checked by default in the Duration area of the Alerts page.


I also like to set price alerts on a daily chart and then reset the alert for entry on
an intra-day chart (at a different price most likely), which is another reason why I
would like to be able to set alerts at will with a web browser.

am getting free alerts from this guy who is very good so far not a single losing trade. But he does not boast he says that market and luck has been on his side. he is not too keen on me passing his email to others.
Do you think he is good or just market on his side as he says. He is not interested in telling what he looks at, avoids this kind of question. I think he sends signals to no of groups based in middleast. Thats what i was told by the trader who introduce me to him.
Can anyone be that good? He does not trade everyday but he has given signals everyday last week.

This is him email tty it but dont blame me if you dont get any luck. [email protected]
Get an account with IG Index. You can set it to SMS you when a price is hit.
You can also draw in a support, resistance or a trend line and it will
alert you to that also if it gets hit.

This site may help you

Looking for a service that can e-mail or SMS when a price crosses
a threshold price. Ideally one with web access or one that allows reset
of the alert at certain % to alert again if necessary.

It looks like globeinvestor gold can do this but it is $40 plus data access
fees per month.
