Signing up to tradindex and other spread betting firms


Junior member
When joining tradindex I thought it could be all done through an online application however, when it came to typing my passport number in they wanted me fill in an application instead and post it to them which was quite annoying because a friend managed to do it through tradindex all online.
Not only that but they want a ‘certified photocopy of my passport’ ‘utility bill’ and a ‘bank statement’ with my application.

I’m about to post the application with all my bank details, my login details and photocopy of my passport+bank statement, is that really safe, just a bit worried? What’s everyones opinion on this?

What’s to stop them from using my login name to place unwanted trades, take money from my account using my details and steal my identity?
Should I just try to sign up to another spread betting firm which will allow me to do an online application without the need of posting applications containing risky details like bank statements etc?
Probaly dumb questions to ask since their FSA regulated, Whats everyones thoughts on this?
I can't recall doing this with IG Index. IIRC, IG Index did ask for proof of my income so that I could afford to "play". I guess if I was a Special Brew drinker on income support they might have rejected my application.