Seykota; Risk, Optimal size, Uncle Point


Legendary member
As a trender, trying desperately not to have an opinion, and just let the numbers crunch themselves, I am reminded of Ed Seykotas thoughts on risk, probability, optimising size.

His site, Trading Tribe, is itself an excellent source of trading, mostly about the psychology.
If you search, you might even find a couple of trading systems!


EDIT: being a typical trend-follower, I thought would add some momentum to neils recent thread on good trading threads.
Ed Seykota charges $5000 per hippie BS session for his course takers.

There is no magic in following the trend but that would mean that you know how buyers and sellers are going to react next. If human mortals had access to this knowledge there be no war and food for everyone.

When there is volume and high sentiment of future prosperity, trend techniques work. Apple goes up because stake holders expect growth to continue.

Whenever there is an abundance of confidence in the markets, trend techniques of investing start to magically work.

Lack of volume and abandonment of hope creates whip saws. Whip saws are good for short term gambling.

If Ed recommended to buy apple he would be considered a genius.

if Ed recommended to buy Green Mountain Coffee, he would be considered an imbecile.

Either way highly doubt he trades or invests any more but there is no way to prove otherwise.

Tribe my a**
Ed Seykota charges $5000 per hippie BS session for his course takers.

There is no magic in following the trend but that would mean that you know how buyers and sellers are going to react next. If human mortals had access to this knowledge there be no war and food for everyone.

When there is volume and high sentiment of future prosperity, trend techniques work. Apple goes up because stake holders expect growth to continue.

Whenever there is an abundance of confidence in the markets, trend techniques of investing start to magically work.

Lack of volume and abandonment of hope creates whip saws. Whip saws are good for short term gambling.

If Ed recommended to buy apple he would be considered a genius.

if Ed recommended to buy Green Mountain Coffee, he would be considered an imbecile.

Either way highly doubt he trades or invests any more but there is no way to prove otherwise.

Tribe my a**
