From how I understand this post it seems you believe that rather than just using the real markets to hedge exposure the Spread Bet companies are recouping losses by trading the markets outright but only when the client has a position on...??... This seems a little strange to me or am I misunderstanding you?
i would say that the sb companies are doing their own trading also, just like any "bookie" might place a personal bet on an event -- at least in the USA, our equivelant of the sb (broker)does so constantly !
Oh, and by the way your definition of flipping is wrong. Flipping is when someone (Famously, Paul Rotter) Puts a whole load of fake bids in to the market to make it look like people want to buy. People buy in front of the bids but it is him selling to them. Then when he has a nice short position he flips the fake bids to the offer making it look like people want to sell and so people sell/stop out as he buys back to cover his position for a profit.... It is a very short term trade going for a tick or two but not all short term small trades are flipping.. Most people would call these trades scalping.
YOU IMPUDENT PUP --- listen to your elders and be silent !!! (LOL)
understand please that im in the USA, and some of our words are not quite the same --- here anyway, the ability to scalp was destroyed when the markets went over to the decimal system and by doing so, closed the spread up to the point where no one could get between the bid and ask to "scalp" --- one note, back in the good days i was a SOES BANDIT, so have a slight amount of experience with the matter. the SEC closed the loopholes that we used, and in a twinkling, we were out of business.
now to the word "flipping" --- in the USA, it simply means holding for a short period of time and selling for a profit. The housing bubble recently is a prime example, as people bought houses, did nothing to them, but sold the following month on an inflating market.
we even have a tv show called "flip this house", meaning how to buy cheap and sell higher, which unfortunately, is not possible any longer !
in the financial markets IN THE USA, the terms are used exactly as above, as scalping is now literally impossible !
WHAT THEY SAY IN THE UK is something else indeed, and while it may well have been your language first, you sure do some funny things with it ! (LOL)
what you refer to flipping by paul rotter is EXACTLY what every mm, specialist and broker in the financial markets is doing --- you can even time it to the second on most days.,
the brokers (and we include mms and nyse specialists here from now on) will begin selling the shares they hold into a rally (remember, they got these shares cheaply "someplace" and "some time" ago) As the price progresses up, the brokers are running out of shares and if youre REALLY GOOD, you will see a number code on the level 2 market depth platform that tells all the other brokers that THIS broker needs shares --- NOW, since they all work together even though they are competing (its like spies --- there are RULES they work under with each other, even if they kill each other -- they do it by the RULES !) THE PRICE suddenly reverses --- scaring most retail traders into selling ---- meanwhile the brokers had gone short at that "number code" and are now driving the price DOWN, forcing the weak hands (dumb money) to sell at a loss.
after the brokers have covered their shorts by "headfaking" the "dumb money" into selling, UP GOES THE PRICE AGAIN, from a lower base point (read CHEAPER SHARES) and now we hit a new high, or at least the same one as before, forming a dbl top, bringing forth the now famous "number code", and while the rally is still continuing, the brokers are selling (shorting) their shares at the top of the run, and NOW THE PRICE DROPS AGAIN, scaring the dumb money, who sells in a panic --- all the way down to support where the brokers COVER AGAIN !
above is the explanation of why you see the prices moveing up and down in what APPEARS to be a random pattern, but is simply the brokers going long and short to make more profit !
there are ways to measure where theyve been and where theyre going, but since were actually just defining words here, that would be a tad overkill
enjoy and trade well