rule of when


entries based on the rule of wen

each entry is 10 points from the last pivot


  • ruledffd.jpg
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and short

over two days entries

based on the rule of wen

10 points from last pivot


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what do you do on trend day ?

you get run over

so use a tight stop and don't re-enter unless you think the trend is over


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another short
10 points from pivot

you might be asking, what about the exit ?


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another long
10 points from the pivot

to answer the question about exit target

this method requires at least 2 positions be entered

1 position is taken off at 50% or 5 points

stop must be moved on the remainder

then it becomes a question of reversing at full 10 points or just closing out


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here is another trend day

10 from the high gets run over

10 from the low is a little better


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couple more here

if you think this looks easy, think again

it is all about trade management and controlling slippage

however it can be automated

btw, this is not my method. got this method from someone else.


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there are several trading rules to this system

this is a reversion system

however if you are patient, you can get entries to enter in the direction of the trend
another question that comes up is..... how do you deal with opening gaps ?
if the gap is smaller than 3 points, you can take a risk and ignore the gap
however if the gap is 5 points or more, you are better off taking the gap out
if the gap is more than 5 points, you can play it more safely by forgetting the previous session and starting your distance count the same day
on exhaustion moves, there can be a gap and it will move 10 more points in the direction opposite the gap

what about stops ? what kind of stop should you use ?
you need at least a 3 point stop ... .however if you can get good at this system, you can feel more comfortable with using larger stops

some people use a scale in method which involves entering a single position at each 10 ... with no stops however that is another system all together

the 50% target is so important. you have to try to take a profit on every single trade.
and the way to do this is to take a profit at the 50%

price almost never breaks out on swing frame .... on an intraday basis during trading hours
most all break outs happen during globex session

what does that tell you ? it tells you that you need to take profit on every trade where you get a 50% move from your entry

what if you don't get an ideal entry ? what if price goes 12 points instead of 10 and you have incorporated 2 extra points of heat into your target ?
you stick to 5 points from the turn, not from your entry. why ? because you must take profit on every single trade where it is possible to take a profit.
why does the rule of wen work ?
because you are a jackass trying to trade against algorithms being executed by robots

a jackass is a retail discretionary trader who thinks he/she can trade better then the best minds and computers systems in the world

don't be a jackass.... trade with at least 100k in your account and be ok with losing 100k
why does the rule of wen work ?
because you are a jackass trying to trade against algorithms being executed by robots

a jackass is a retail discretionary trader who thinks he/she can trade better then the best minds and computers systems in the world

don't be a jackass.... trade with at least 100k in your account and be ok with losing 100k

say, youre looking pretty good about you put up the contracts printed at the time you open and close those trades and show us an equity curve, then, maybe, you'll get the viewers involved......even if this is a sim thing you'll still get the kudos....
anyone posting about trading on an internet forum is a complete tool
why would you want to get kudos or viewers ? answer is you wouldn't.
if you have been around at all, you would know that no one on forums actually trades..... much less trades profitably.
anyone posting about trading on an internet forum is a complete tool
why would you want to get kudos or viewers ? answer is you wouldn't.
if you have been around at all, you would know that no one on forums actually trades..... much less trades profitably.

ok,, wot youre saying is......erm....well, never mind.....keep going
trade is yourself. if it works for you, good. if not, good.

youre trying to make a point, otherwise wot is the motive for posting these set-ups/trades ....wot i was inviting you to do was to simply show the whole journey of entries/exits and the effect on your equity curve......that's all