royal petroleum again


i recently bought some shares in royal petroleum through a recommendation from knobel lynch I have just received a second share certificate because the company split its stock this is fine but does it mean both certificates are of value and why when i try to sell them through Barclays bank are they refusing the trade

i am rather new to share trading and would appreciate any advice you could give me
I would write the investment off as it's highly likely you've been scammed.

Use this as a lesson for the future and NEVER invest in anything you don't understand and especially from 'brokers' that cold call you.

Sorry, but it's a dangerous world out there.
Opinion but I reckon it's a pretty hard one, sorry I'm hope I wrong but from what you've said on this board it has all the hallmarks of a classic boiler room operation.

If you were cold called in the first place, ie hadn't a clue who the 'brokers' were, why they called you and how they got your name, then 99% scam.

Also, if the broker you spoke to was really nice, chatty, polite etc but was all about how much money you could make on this share as if it was all pretty easy then again that's the hallmark of a boiler room operation.
ok i understand what you say and this maybe a hard lesson and if so i will take it on the chin but i dont understand ,why are royal petroleum trading on frankfurt why have shares been sold and why do things look ok .i have shares in quite a few companys at home and abroad i am new because the shares i have are purchases through companys i have worked for and royal petroleum look no different than any other share i have had other than they dont seem to be trading in volume yet please make me understand your gut feelings because at this moment i dont i do appreciate your comments

Why don't you call the Franfurt stock exchange (they all speak English now in Germany) and have a chat about RP and what you can do. Maybe they can put you in contact with a local German broker who can help you sell the shares or at least give you some advice.

Also, maybe a good idea to call Internax who are a European based broker to see if they can help.

Good luck
so did i

hi all i also purchased royal petro shares from a company cold calling called barclay-hoffman. has any one heard of this company or a chap called charles maxwell. any info would be helpfull as they are still calling and i am playing along with them at the moment trying to thing of a way to trick them.🙄 🙄

I have been receiving 15-20 calls a day from Sean Banks senior trader at Barclay Hoffman with and exciting opportunity-has anyone heard of this Company or bought shares from them.

Claim to be in switzerland. Telephone number witheld and email bounces!😱

Thanks for info-mysteriously Mr Sean Bates has not contacted me today after I told him I was checking them out with City of London police and the FSA!

Thanks for info-mysteriously Mr Sean Bates has not contacted me today after I told him I was checking them out with City of London police and the FSA!


so have you discovered if barclay hoffman are a boiler room , also any contact details for them have a friend who invested 10k now no website,email bounces no number etc
how will he go about getting money bk
Royal Petroleum

hi all i also purchased royal petro shares from a company cold calling called barclay-hoffman. has any one heard of this company or a chap called charles maxwell. any info would be helpfull as they are still calling and i am playing along with them at the moment trying to thing of a way to trick them.🙄 🙄

I have tried to lodge my stocks with Barklays stockbrokers but with no result.Do you have an news regarding your's?
can anyone tell me if Cameron Poe or Prudential Partners inc. are in any way involved in this scam as they are calling to make an insurance payment for stock of little or no value that i hold for a massive return. I already smell a rat
can anyone tell me if Cameron Poe or Prudential Partners inc. are in any way involved in this scam as they are calling to make an insurance payment for stock of little or no value that i hold for a massive return. I already smell a rat

Of course it's a scam and an advanced fee one at that.

You've been promised a big return but to get your hands on the cash you'll be asked to pay some sort of fee. Pay that and it WILL be stolen from you and of course the bumper profits won't appear.

If the thief calls again tell him how dare he try to set you up, also remind him that he's pure scum.
Classic setup for a scam, I must have seen 100 questions like yours posted here, have nothing to do with them, they are going to steal anything you give them.
See my post on Royal Petroleum. Cameron Poe are most certainly scammers. If you do a search on the Escrow company involved, you will see that they have been reported to the SEC and FBI.
Just received letter from Anthony Thompson & Co....Council & attorneys at Law Notaries Public based in Nassau, Bahamas. Re: USE OF YOUR NON-WORKING EQUITY IN ROYAL PETROLEUM OR WILDWOOD MINING TOWARDS TAX FREE OWNERSHIP IN ONE OF EXUMA'S FINEST RESORTS.
Letter reads" we have been instructed by our valuable client Oceania Hights Ltd to inform you that they will consider applying the "UTILIZATION OF YOUR NON-WORKING EQUITY" to one of the pristine properties in the Exumas.etc Offering ground floor price structure.
They would like to invite me to their resort to introduce me to their final phase, and scheduling my trip in the very near future. Please call or email [email protected].
Anyone else received this letter or know anything about this offer?...another scam perhaps.... will check out
Royal Petroleum

hi all i also purchased royal petro shares from a company cold calling called barclay-hoffman. has any one heard of this company or a chap called charles maxwell. any info would be helpfull as they are still calling and i am playing along with them at the moment trying to thing of a way to trick them.🙄 🙄

I also bought from Barclay Hoffman and a 'Charles Maxwell' so they are probably behind the current offer I have from Asian Direct Capital Management