RNG's Are they beatable?


Senior member
Online casinos.
Nearly every day a new one opens online. A lot of them are under group ownership.

Some are better than others in lots of way. IE. There are casinos' that offer very attractive (at first) sign up bonus. After reading through the t & c's You find that the playthrough figures are terrible. Most, if not all will take your money the same day by various deposits yet will not pay back by these options and only offer a few ways to pay back, after first making you wait. Sometimes well over 7 days to get your money back. There is almost always a 24/48 hour 'waiting' period where your money is held by the casino before the refunding process starts. "...in case you change your mind". (?)
Most of these supposed reputable? casinos have low table limits on roulette.

There are of course the other type that have paybacks within a day or so and have high table limits, and 'seem' more balanced for the player.

They all have one thing in common though. The random number generator. (RNG)
As opposed to the land based casinos where 'dealer signature' is the main variable, the online ones have no need to take this into account as the rng spews out hundreds of numbers and decides where the 'ball' will land.

I have seen very simple plays to try to beat this and some very complex ones that give me a headache. Some say that a few of the easier ones are put 'out there' by the casinos themselves. They tend to dislike sytem or advantage players just a bit more than your average punter. So why not put out systems that they know are not that good and will fail over the long term.

The simple rule of martingaling the black will work but you are killed by the table limit eventually, (assuming you have the deep pockets in the first place). And as for doubling up after a win, (one of the casinos favourites) this is surely the quickest way to ruin.

The other bone of contention is the software. I would not have thought it possible, but can the casinos 'alter' the rng's to suit? An example being that after beating a system to death in testing over a short 3 week period, playing thousands of spins in various casinos with only having one losing session. The week where I went 'live' produced 900 units in five days. Then after enquiring about payback methods, I received an e mail from support saying that the casino was going to have some downtime for maintenance "...to help improve player experiance." When I was able to get back in, nothing on the face of it had changed. No new games, different features etc.

After a few minutes of play I hit a dry spell, with a run of numbers against me I had never encounterd before. I was down 200 units.
I took a break, came back and within 3 spins was into another dry spell that cleaned another 200 unit form the account. Mathematically it was nigh on imposible to happen.
With luck like that on the casinos side they should be doing the lottery.

I cashed out the remianing 500 units and to be fair to the casino they did pay it back into my account after the 8 day wait. (Another thing. I paid them via moneybookers, yet somehow the casino paid to my bank account via swift payment. Though they are not supposed to have my bank account details)?

So my question is can the rng's be beaten? I have seen stefan humouris (whatever his name is) site that has the mob phone/comp set up. Some say it works others say it don't.

Can any programmers out there come up with plausible attempts to beat the rng. Has anyone thought about even trying. I know there have been attempts in the past.
The random number generators are not entirely random as it is very hard to be random. What I mean is, the code was thought up by a human whose brain is processing in a way that it cannot function from a entirely random point of view. Therfore the true randomness does not exist.
You can spot patterns in the rng, this is what my testing found and capitalised on those patterns.

Has anyone taken this further?