Because trading systems can malfunction, what checks should be confirmed to make sure that everything is in working order? Also because speed is important, should checks be done before/after sending orders?
Because trading systems can malfunction, what checks should be confirmed to make sure that everything is in working order? Also because speed is important, should checks be done before/after sending orders?
Your system should write to a log file every so often - even if it's not doing anything. Create another program which monitors the log files of your system and kills/restarts them if the files haven't been updated for a while. this should prevent the system not trading because of a deadlock/crash.
Always check the return codes from trade operations - don't just assume they have worked. Make sure you implement some sort of messaging like email so the system can warn you if it's having problems or running out of margin.
If you are using a RESTFUL api I would reccomend you refresh the connection (logout/login) on a regular basis otherwise you'll find the connection has gone stale just at the point the system wants to trade.
MT4 is usually pretty good at looking after itself however I would put an email out on deinit so you know if the EA has been unloaded for any reason.
Forex is a challenging field where a retail small scale forex trader needs to choose his desired trading strategy or method after full check otherwise he may fall in the infrastructural disadvantages of forex. Furthermore yes, proper risk management approach has to be adopted otherwise the trader may face serious consequences of this risky investment field. Even a trader must choose his trading platform after analyzing all his trading needs.