

What are the typical returns you get annually?

And by the way, what are the typical returns for putting money in a managed and investment fund.

And which strategy are you better off with if you have little knowledge about the investment market and want someone else to manage your money, a software programs that tells you what to buy maybe?
Is that what has happened to you?

It didn't provide me with any useful information since I dont know the amount invested and in what.
It didn't provide me with any useful information since I dont know the amount invested and in what.

Your question was so open ended that it was impossible to answer.
Are you after monetary values, percentage returns etc etc.

At present I'm averaging around 20% per annum on shares over a 10 year period, and minus 5% per annum on futures!!!

Probably better than Buffet actually.

Then so many more people do better than Buffet.

Buffet is not a god.

You have to remember he started with rather a large pot in the first place, hence his wealth now...

I can tell what I got from SBs.

I made 6:1 reurn to capital over 2 years , and I had all sorts of shaninigans pulled on me : credit stopped mid stream , false trades put on my account , certain orders types banned suddenly , deliberate slow prices and so on.
And still I whacked tham .

90% lose in the SB game never mind 6X capital .

You won't make this sort of return I can almost assure you unless you can get help from the likes of me .