recommadations for scalping system


Active member
hey guys

What I like about scalping systems is small stop-losses.The smaller the stop-loss the more you can risk per pip.Therefore 500 pips a month with a scalping system should 'pay' much more than 500 pips using a system that operates on an hour timeframe as long as you use a standard risk size say 2% of capital per trade.

Having said that i don't know very much about scalping systems but I desperately want to buy a good one.Browsing through hundrends of websites can be time consuming and frustrating.So I would like you guys to make recommadations for good scalping systems all I need is a name and I can download reviews and buy the system in what 10 min?

So help a guy out.Know of a scalping system that works?Why don't you post it's name for me

thank you
Don't waste your money, I have spent 10's of thousands on all kinds of trading systems, none of them worked.

I have 2 that are starting to work for me right now.

1. the floor trader method, (just google and you can find it) - I only use this for the first hour of the market when there is volume, I find that after the first hour it doesn't work as reliable.

testing it for the last hour of trading, it seems to work ok, then also.

2. I developed my own system, it's really simple but has been working for the last couple months.

Watch the Emini at the open wait for about 2 minutes, (at least 90 seconds) then 80% of the time the ES will reverse direction.
I watch a 2 minute chart, so if the first bar is red I buy, if it is green I sell.
The only other rule is make sure the 2nd bar is going your way, if it goes against you at all, then get out.
I will hold my position either 2 or 4 minutes depending on when it starts to turn against me.

sometimes I can get 3 or 4 points this way, the average is around 1.5 to 2 points,
and when I have a loser, it's usually .5 or sometimes .75 points.

Good luck trading
hey guys

What I like about scalping systems is small stop-losses.The smaller the stop-loss the more you can risk per pip.Therefore 500 pips a month with a scalping system should 'pay' much more than 500 pips using a system that operates on an hour timeframe as long as you use a standard risk size say 2% of capital per trade.

Having said that i don't know very much about scalping systems but I desperately want to buy a good one.Browsing through hundrends of websites can be time consuming and frustrating.So I would like you guys to make recommadations for good scalping systems all I need is a name and I can download reviews and buy the system in what 10 min?

So help a guy out.Know of a scalping system that works?Why don't you post it's name for me

thank you

Scalping system? Forget it. The smaller time frame the harder it is to trade. And add to this 'system'...slippage, reconnections...not worth it. Forget about it.
by scalping I am talking about trades less than a few minutes each.
and I agree with Bizkine,
I have seen a lot of profitable scalpers and the all have one thing, a feel for the market
usually developed over a year or two of sitting and watching the market all day every day it's open.

if you do that and your good you will develop a sense for what the market is going to do.
sorry but there is no system that will short cut your screen time.