Scam or not, we are revising the site guidelines as we speak, regarding exactly this kind of thread.
At present, threads that are established will be permitted to continue to run until we have finalised the new guidelines, but new threads of this ilk will be removed. Once the guidelines have been finalised, it is likely that all threads of this kind stared by vendors will be closed and/or removed unless they can demonstrate some real value to the site.
Threads along these lines by established community members who have no alterior motive will be permitted to run, as has long been the spirit of T2W.
Unfortunately, threads such as this seem to add very little to the site itself, whilst acting as a hook for your services - advertising, in other words.
If you are able to demonstrate both the rationale behind
each entry and exit, and respond clearly and reasonably quickly to comments and criticism, then we will look at things again. Posting a simple account of your trading is not sufficient.
As such, I have closed this thread. If anyone has an issue with this then feel free to contact me via PM, or at
[email protected]