Pursuit Of Women

And indeed for £25 you would be able to feel the right dirty skank while she gives you a massage.

Also, got more respect & sympathy for women as human beings than to help justify & subsidise their continuance in a very dodgy profession. I find the idea quite depressing really.
Yes, I don't think much of the idea myself. And yet they decide to do it (ignoring the black market sex slave and human trafficking side) because perhaps it's the easiest way for them to earn a hell of a lot of money. I hear straight male porn stars do gay porn because the pay is much better...
Why not look for virtuous women.

Get yourself down to the local nunnery and ask the Mother Superior if there are any potential drop-out postulants in her care.
I've just been informed by PM (shall remain nameless ;) but i'm sure he wont mind me sharing this info) that an excellent way for males of the species to meet fit females of the species is to attend salsa/tango type dance classes.
Pretty easy to find in your area.
Most classes rotate partners so you can get a feel for the ones you have a spark with. Also decent exercise, good for improving co-ordination, and fun if you like using your eye-hand-foot co-ordination (just like thai boxing really!) & popular with women also. It gets u up close & personal with them (all under the pre-text of dance of course ;);)(y)). Apparently a plain geek of a guy can pick up stunning women at these places :eek:.
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German gyms sound better. Less inhibited ;).

Didn't realise running clubs were where all the young lassies hung oot! how r they run? does anyone just turn up on the night and basically all the members go for a run?

Who's in charge?


tbh this sounds a bit indirect an approach for my liking. Maybe I'm a bit more desperate than to have the time/patience luxury to start running half marathons :LOL:
and like shadowninja says, if u do something u dont enjoy just to meet sheila, she may expect u to carry on with it & like it.
Gi me a ball to chase & i'm like a red-setter, (or used to be)....Running for the sake of running though - sounds like torture!

Could find a decent local paper and just advertise for exactly what you want.........I would forget the GSOH bit though, thats so subjective. Perhaps you could then put the replies on here for members to choose your perfect match. :)
I've just been informed by PM (shall remain nameless ;) but i'm sure he wont mind me sharing this info) that an excellent way for males of the species to meet fit females of the species is to attend salsa/tango type dance classes.
Pretty easy to find in your area.
Most classes rotate partners so you can get a feel for the ones you have a spark with. Also decent exercise, good for improving co-ordination, and fun if you like using your eye-hand-foot co-ordination (just like thai boxing really!) & popular with women also. It gets u up close & personal with them (all under the pre-text of dance of course ;);)(y)). Apparently a plain geek of a guy can pick up stunning women at these places :eek:.

Yes, but haven't we covered why it's not a great idea?
Yes, I think these dance classes are the only chance many blokes get to dance and not look like a complete wally.

Anyone up for a trip to see an Andre Ruie Concert then ?

tsk, tsk... waht are you doing here Jtrader? You'll have options after you again!
tsk, tsk... waht are you doing here Jtrader? You'll have options after you again!

You are right, as was he!

Please se new & improved signature (rule). I'm also stepping out of invisible mode so that i cannot cheat this rule!

J, if you don't want to do it during the day in Starbucks / on the street etc, then do it at night in bars and clubs where everybody is A: open to the idea of someone coming up and talking to them, seeing, being seen and meeting new people is the only reason why bars and clubs exist after all, and, B: alcohol has nicely mellow-yellowed everyone, and, C: YES, go out alone, far better chances of meeting a girl than if you're with a group, unless you're all into the same thing, and don't have (t)wits with you that honestly believe that barely managing to get out, "Hey, you've got great tits", is a perfectly adequate, feasible and sufficient pick-up option.


That's true about being alone, or just maybe J and a pal. Girls feel intimidated by large groups of males.
Go into a natural beauty products/soap store eg. Lush - the natural soap store.
Most likely a young female assistant will approach you & ask if they can be of any assistance. Look a bit lost, and explain you're here to look at moisturisers, as with winter arriving your skin tends to get a bit chapped. Show interest/concern/understanding of how skin works, this is probably a signal that you are a new age sensitive man.
The nice young woman will show you a few, and will probably apply some samples to your hand/arm/s. This process takes a few minutes. It a nice little hand massage really. While she is doing this, listen to her intently & with interest. Make firm eye contact.
The moisturisers are pricy, £25 for 45grams (skin nanny;)). There are a few to choose from. Say to her - well you have really nice skin, which moisturiser do you use etc....;) Try a few more out, get both hands massaged, hell - roll both sleeves up!.......and if nothing else, at least you get to take away a free sample (about 5 grams = £5 not bad).
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