The market is already Emotionally charged.
It's nothing more than an Exhibition of Ignorance.
There's only a hand-ful of people that actually know what's going on. These players are hanging in the shadows until the 'Carry trades' burn out.
Those that are making money off any charts what-so-ever, are only making money because the market is So directionally based that there trading Indicator Crossovers and happen to be making money only because there able to ride the trend, which is driven by Rates.
Take rates out of the equation (which is already happening) and what you have left will be massive amounts of people spinning around failing positions.
Look at Gbp/chf ooh, hard to trade. It goes one direction for a reason.
Now look at Eur/usd, the direction is no longer there because it has the most volume and has already been (de-coded) by rates.
The only reason there are still trending pairs is because not as many people are trading them, all the high volume pairs are moving off 'complicated multi commodity butterfly'
With so much money on the line for brokers to lose (because they'll have to take the other side of trades) this arbitrage is slowly going to dry-up.
Just think about it, the world is moving towards a one world currency ( it might be a thousand years)..
.. but the point is that there is huge Arbitrage in the market, and any where there is huge money to be made, there is huge money to be lost.
All these Brokers/ trading Platforms are desperate to keep this information private.
This leaves P.E.I. cleaning up all the money, after the markets consolidate.
This is because P.E.I. trades a 16 product 'fly' that is not dependent on Rates, but is derived from the cross-reference of Global product with 'said' currency being traded.