Producing your own real time charts


Established member
Does anyone know if there is a programe in existence that allows you to link streaming price onto a chart of your own setting. I was wondering if I could take the price action from a spreadbetting site and use this data to produce a standard streaming price chart of there own prices in either a 15 or 30 min setting running from 8 - 4.30pm in place of the 24 hour charts that are provided by these companies.

Any ideas welcome.



Thanks for this I think they do operate in this manner however I doubt they would be able to use the spreadbetting prices which is what I was trying to do. However I have sent them a mail to see what is available. What set me thinking about this is I think a previous poster had set his own charts up the way he wanted them, I think it was 'Bonsai' but not certain. I prefer to chart the spreadbetters price and find the CMC charts that are 24 hr difficult to merge what took place towards the end of one day ( 4.30pm ) and the new morning. Sometimes the significance of a price move is not fully realised with these charts unless you switch off and concentrate only on the present day. This of course can rule out early positions until there is sufficient data in the present session to work from. I do not trade as frequently as I would like (part time around the day job). I would therefore prefer a simple bar chart that operated from 8am - 4.30pm Mon - Fri.