Private Vaults/Private Safety Deposit Locations/Contacts

If you only want to store something and don't need to access it very often, you will probably find your bank will offer such a service.

I have to pay about £18 a year for this facility with my bank but to access the contents I think they charge a fee per visit. So this would perhaps be unsuitable if you want regular access.
Thanks but I don't want a bank facility.If a bank goes bust,the contents of any safety deposit boxes they hold are very difficult to retrieve? I want a private (non bank) vault so I can collect my valuables whatever - specifically in the case of bank failure.I should have been more specific.
I wouldn't hold anything dodgy in it if I were you. The Police love to smash these things open with the usual catch all excuse - terrorism/peado/drugs. About 3 years ago they broke every box in a North London safety box firm. Sign of the times really, slowly and surely towards a police state.