Pre-market work-out


Experienced member
1 x heavy punchbag
1 x baseball bat

30 minutes minimum, hitting the bag as hard as you can with the bat, non-stop. Scream at the bag, call it every name under the sun, imagine the bag to be something else, that's your choice.

keep fit 1.jpg

For a workout I used to do this crazy training thing that a Pavel Tsetsulin book had in it. And old truck tire and a 12 pound sledgehammer. beat the crap out of it until you can't hold the sledgehammer anymore, and then take a half an hour rest. The rest of the day seems really easy.
For a workout I used to do this crazy training thing that a Pavel Tsetsulin book had in it. And old truck tire and a 12 pound sledgehammer. beat the crap out of it until you can't hold the sledgehammer anymore, and then take a half an hour rest. The rest of the day seems really easy.

I hope you used to alternate your grip and stance? Great exercise, one of my personal favourites, and becoming more popular.
1 hit right, one hit left, switch grip each time. Otherwise easy to pull back muscles (believe me :) ). Wrapped the handle in rawhide epoxy'd on and always wore thick workout gloves. Believe it or not, of I knew I felt really strong I wore a Bike helmet or a hardhat. The first time that bounces up after 20 minutes and your arms are jelly like and have a hard time stopping it and it grazes your temple, uhhh.... you get the need for it :) HAH