Posts that 'damage the reputation of this forum'


Experienced member
I have blown a few 4 ,5 and 6 figure live accounts in the past 10 years.

The point I am making if you are a mercenary discretionary trader , you will not have any material drawdowns.9 out of 10 days , you will make serious profits and one day ,you might give back the previous days profits , or just breakeven.

The markets are like an ocean ,swim every tide and twist and turn on every small opportunity. Occasionally the unexpected wave will knock you down , be prepared for the unexpected wave and ride on it's back in winning fashion.There are hundreds of twists and turns to be traded every day, be ready for them , anticipate them and act ahead of them.It is like a boxing match , get ready for all the punches thrown at you , and deliver the bigger blows to the opponent.There is only one winner , the champ who can duck and dive and deliver the blows.If your hit rate is good , increases your position sizes and your expectancy will give reward you.That's discretionary trading mercenary style.

Most of you are using trading systems /set ups etc, it is akin to a boxer using a punch bag with no opponent.I started using punch bags , now I am in the ring dishing it out to the market and taking it on the chin.The market can hit me a few times a day, I hit the market harder and more frequently.This is not fishing by sitting on the river bank, mercenary trading is swimming with the killer sharks.

This message is just completely out of order for a forum where people are trying to discuss tradiing seriously. I'm sure that every message like this drives away a couple of normal people who might have posted something interesting.

Is it any wonder that only about 1% of the 200,000 registered users on this forum actually stay around long enough to make themselves known?

I'm all for free speech and everyone's right to say what they want, but the objective of this forum is not to be an audience to testosterone-fuelled idiot comments like this.

Could the forum admin use the 'report this post' system to moderate users who post stuff that 'damages the reputation of the forum'? It would definitely save a few minutes here and there of aggro over ridiculous claims and counter-claims.

What exactly is your problem with the above ? I think the analogy is a good one - the boxer/punch bag comment is quite amusing in my opinion.

You say you are all for free speech and then go on to say a member should be censored. You can't have it both ways.

I would say that posts like YOURS above are things that this forum could do without. If you don't like it, don't read it. You mention normal people. Do normal people really start threads because an analogy someone made didn't sit well with them ? Would a more mature approach not be to debate the analogy rather than say it should be removed.

Sure - there are some people with lazy heads on their shoulders here who will join a lynch mob and give you lots of interweb back slaps for this thread. You call another member on here a 'testosterone fuelled idiot'. Is your thread really any better than the one you are so offended by ?

I like oildaytrader's post. He's honest about his failures but he's determined enough to keep going. I think its good advice to trade small until you're consistent. He points out its possible to lose serious money at this game and his repeated blow-outs imply that even if you're successful, you can always let the marklert take the money back if you're not keeping your guard up. If 'the unexpected wave' means 'stop and reverse', I am all for that - the market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent so trade with the trend you can see, not what you think it should do. He's hit a few times every day: yes, I say planning for losses in every series of trades is a key money management task for the most successful trader.

I suspect you've been deafened by his usual uncompromising aggressive style, but the fact that he shouts and blusters doesn't mean he hasn't got something useful to say.
now I am in the ring dishing it out to the market and taking it on the chin.The market can hit me a few times a day, I hit the market harder and more frequently.This is not fishing by sitting on the river bank, mercenary trading is swimming with the killer sharks.

I admit on re-reading it now, out of context it might seem trivial.

But the way I read this, it's someone waving their **** around. Do you guys seriously have no problem with that? I'm talking about the value it has to those who read it, the impact it might have on new forum visitors who may be able to contribute something much better, and the disruption it makes to the original thread it appears in, knocking the subject on the head and leading the thread down a blind alley.

When I say I support free speech, I mean everyone should be able to make their views known. I didn't suggest how you should moderate the forum but since it's a point of discussion now, I'd say you can still moderate without taking away people's right to be heard. What's the point of pandering to someone's right to say nonsense? Ban them for 24 hours everytime they do it, and leave them free to be normal the rest of the time.

It's not so far from spam and banning spammers. If you're all for absolute right of free speech, then let's give the spammers free rein. Does that make sense?
This message is just completely out of order for a forum where people are trying to discuss tradiing seriously. I'm sure that every message like this drives away a couple of normal people who might have posted something interesting.

Is it any wonder that only about 1% of the 200,000 registered users on this forum actually stay around long enough to make themselves known?

I'm all for free speech and everyone's right to say what they want, but the objective of this forum is not to be an audience to testosterone-fuelled idiot comments like this.

Could the forum admin use the 'report this post' system to moderate users who post stuff that 'damages the reputation of the forum'? It would definitely save a few minutes here and there of aggro over ridiculous claims and counter-claims.

I think that it you who is a bit over the top. I read nothing wrong with his post. It is an opinion, nothing more, the same as can be read every day in the press.
It can be frustrating to read dozens of pages of a thread only to find out that the system/mentor turns out to be a waste of time. I'm sure that there are people labouring through the Meds 100% holy Grail thread only to be ultimately frustrated and disappointed. Maybe some thought could be given to labelling a thread as being expired/abandoned (read crap) etc. However bad you think it is here it's 10 times worse on forexfactory where threads with hundreds of pages turn out to be a waste of time
That's a good point but unless there is some kind of editing procedure for some of the posts I can't see how that can be done.

Some of even the best threads, i.e. Mr Charts, has a lot of guff which I am sure he would rather was not there.
Hi Adamus,
First off, thank you for providing feedback in this forum - so few members do it - even when 'we' specifically ask for it! That said, I'm afraid I rather agree with the sentiments of those who have replied already.

The only posts that are ever edited or deleted by moderators are those that clearly breach the site guidelines. There's nothing (that I can see) in oildaytrader's post that does that. This leaves you with two options:
1. If you feel that the site guidelines need tightening up in some way, then you're very welcome to start a thread to that effect, outlining what the deficiencies are in the guidelines and how they can be improved. If your ideas gain traction and are supported by the members, then I have no doubt that Sharky and the Mods will take heed.
2. Your other option is to post your views and objection(s) - as you've done here - but on the original thread. There are quite a lot of threads where members make outrageous claims and advocate practices which are akin to financial suicide for most traders - and certainly for newbies. Often as not, such threads / posts don't actually breach the site guidelines and, therefore, are not edited or deleted. It's left to experienced members to point out the dangers and pitfalls of the ideas being advocated. Newbies (and anyone else) can then read both views and make up their own minds. If they then blow up their accounts, they can't moan to all on sundry on here that they weren't first warned of the dangers.
oildayretard's posts speak for themselves, I don't see any reason to censor ****wits

although it would be fun to ban him to see him burst a blood vessel or two
I admit on re-reading it now, out of context it might seem trivial.

But the way I read this, it's someone waving their **** around. Do you guys seriously have no problem with that? I'm talking about the value it has to those who read it, the impact it might have on new forum visitors who may be able to contribute something much better, and the disruption it makes to the original thread it appears in, knocking the subject on the head and leading the thread down a blind alley.

When I say I support free speech, I mean everyone should be able to make their views known. I didn't suggest how you should moderate the forum but since it's a point of discussion now, I'd say you can still moderate without taking away people's right to be heard. What's the point of pandering to someone's right to say nonsense? Ban them for 24 hours everytime they do it, and leave them free to be normal the rest of the time.

It's not so far from spam and banning spammers. If you're all for absolute right of free speech, then let's give the spammers free rein. Does that make sense?

As I've said, oildaytrader made some good points as I think I detailed. But he does it as usual in a bluff way that doesn't invite debate - I don't think he'd be so amenable to debate as you are for example, anyone disagreeing with him might be sent away with a very big flea in their ear. I do find some people post in a manner that discourages debate, which is sad and very strange - in a discussion forum - and I can only think that they are the long-term losers when their thinking is either challenged nor expanded.

But I don't find what he said to be nonsense and I didn't find his post offensive.

As for newbies being misled, there are far more useless posters they could follow who post in far more agreeable tones, but they eventually have to look out for themselves, there's no end of help for them here to find out how to do that.
I don't think there is too much wrong with the particular post cited (which is not to say I agree with it). Perhaps the problem is with his many other posts, which is why I ended up putting him on "ignore". As far as I know he has not done anything worth banning him over, but of course I have not been reading his more recent posts except where quoted. Curiously some of them seem to have adopted a more humble tone than his original ones.

What is more damaging to T2W is when certain members openly boast about having multiple forum accounts, which as far as I know is against the rules, and seem to get away with it. I have reported the most recent example. We will see what becomes of it.
OK then no problemo, I'm off to go and give the markets a good shafting then. The market is my mistress and I'm in there giving it pelvic thrusts all round and ramming it in right up to the backwheels. This is sexual trading, boys, and the only drawdown I ever see is the market's knickers when I'm ready to give her a good pumping. Remember 1987? Yeah that was me. Sorry about the crash afterwards but that's what happens after such an orgasmic climax. So there you go, and don't forget, if it doesn't give you the horn, you're not gonna get any action!
Bloomin' 'eck! I think we all know what you get up to on a Bank Holiday afternoon mate!
That's a good point but unless there is some kind of editing procedure for some of the posts I can't see how that can be done.

Some of even the best threads, i.e. Mr Charts, has a lot of guff which I am sure he would rather was not there.

Maybe a thread can be flagged as 'nonsense/rubbish/crap'. Perhaps if the voting system can be changed to allow for such a scenario, a thread could be flagged if a certain number of members of a certain seniority vote it 'off'.

Perhaps we can be issued with buzzers like 'Britains Got Talent' so we can buzz people like Medbs off early so we dont have to endure the entire act.
The idea of flagging a thread as nonsense / rubbish / dangerous etc. is fine as an idea, appealing even, but very hard to implement. Much like the rep' system of old, it's very easy to abuse and, such is the nature of online discussion forums like T2W, anything that can be abused - will be abused. That said - keep the ideas coming chaps - more the merrier! I'll happily put forward any suggestions to the powers that be that are practical (i.e. don't require the services of a programmer full time for a year!) and workable. If anyone is a member/user of another site where a similar facility exists AND it works - please post a link so we can look at it.
if you don't like something, just ignore it. don't reply, it's gonna fall off the page with 0 posts and no one will pay attention.
OK then no problemo, I'm off to go and give the markets a good shafting then. The market is my mistress and I'm in there giving it pelvic thrusts all round and ramming it in right up to the backwheels. This is sexual trading, boys, and the only drawdown I ever see is the market's knickers when I'm ready to give her a good pumping. Remember 1987? Yeah that was me. Sorry about the crash afterwards but that's what happens after such an orgasmic climax. So there you go, and don't forget, if it doesn't give you the horn, you're not gonna get any action!

Works for me! 😆

The idea of flagging a thread as nonsense / rubbish / dangerous etc. is fine as an idea, appealing even, but very hard to implement. Much like the rep' system of old, it's very easy to abuse and, such is the nature of online discussion forums like T2W, anything that can be abused - will be abused. That said - keep the ideas coming chaps - more the merrier! I'll happily put forward any suggestions to the powers that be that are practical (i.e. don't require the services of a programmer full time for a year!) and workable. If anyone is a member/user of another site where a similar facility exists AND it works - please post a link so we can look at it.

I've thought for a long time we should have negative reps.
Yes, you can just ignore a posting you think is rubbish, but silence is sometimes taken as assent. It would be nice to be able to record that you disagree with a posting, without having to make a posted comment (and getting into stupid arguments, etc).