

Is this the best place for me to open up this thread and talk about the direction of Plus500 share price and about its future ? Does anyone have any opinions on it or any knowledge they can share with me ?
I have nothing but my fingers burned. THey were under the first crypto brokers and made a lot of money, then came ESMA and they plunged almost more than other brokers. Cannot help, but I have the feeling the management/owners try to manage the stock price by news policy. Currently they try to depress the stock, so might be a good/better time to enter a position.
Thank you for the reply. I really appreciate the intellectual input. I too have had the feeling that they manage the stock price as well. Can't help but feel that twinge of corruption. The way this stock swings in terms of its value can't help but capture the interest. The underlying factor which i feel makes it value for money is that the earnings per share is extremely good in comparison to the other companies in the same sector. The integrity of the company is certainly in question to say the least but the way they continue to pump money into the advertising promotion makes me feel they are confident of further growth yet. I was hoping for some more information from the AGM recently but now it seams the next time we hear from them is for the trading update in august. Is that when they will declare the next dividend ?