Pattern Day Trader on 90 Day Restriction


I just made 3 complete trades within 5 days, now my E-trade account has been put on the 90 day restriction where I can only trade with settled cash.

What would be the consequences if I were to open a new E-trade account and transfer the complete amount in my account (once it settles) to avoid the restriction?
iamthejavadoc said:
I just made 3 complete trades within 5 days, now my E-trade account has been put on the 90 day restriction where I can only trade with settled cash.

What would be the consequences if I were to open a new E-trade account and transfer the complete amount in my account (once it settles) to avoid the restriction?
where did they come up with 90 day s?
patterned day trader

iamthejavadoc said:
I just made 3 complete trades within 5 days, now my E-trade account has been put on the 90 day restriction where I can only trade with settled cash.

What would be the consequences if I were to open a new E-trade account and transfer the complete amount in my account (once it settles) to avoid the restriction?

I to was just patterned a day trader. Think or Swim has my account now that I can only use my available equity once during that trading day it resets each day after the close. I was under the assumption that these rules only applied to buying stock on margin. I am using in the money puts/calls as a stock proxy but this counts also. Love the SEC!!!
Rich Holcomb said:
I to was just patterned a day trader. Think or Swim has my account now that I can only use my available equity once during that trading day it resets each day after the close. I was under the assumption that these rules only applied to buying stock on margin. I am using in the money puts/calls as a stock proxy but this counts also. Love the SEC!!!
if you trade futures or options i dont think that applies,advantage futures.proactive futures,lasalle futures ,you can open an acct for less than $10,000 and margin on 1 s&p future is around $2000 so you could trade 2 lots all day with a balannce of about $5000...advantage is 1.50 a round turn,proactive about 4.50 and lasalle about $8