Order execution software


Junior member
I am in the process of setting up an account with IB to trade futures. I use E-signal as my data feed. I am hoping that someone can give me a recommendation on a no thrills, easy to use and reliable order execution platform. I have heard that the IB's TWS platform is a bit cumbersome and some people on this site have even said that it is hard work even to execute a simple order. Trading is difficult enough without the added problems associated with placing your orders in the market!

Any help greatly appreciated.
Martin1973 said:
I am in the process of setting up an account with IB to trade futures. I use E-signal as my data feed. I am hoping that someone can give me a recommendation on a no thrills, easy to use and reliable order execution platform. I have heard that the IB's TWS platform is a bit cumbersome and some people on this site have even said that it is hard work even to execute a simple order. Trading is difficult enough without the added problems associated with placing your orders in the market!

Any help greatly appreciated.

This one is FREE :

TWS not cumbersome

Martin1973 said:
I have heard that the IB's TWS platform is a bit cumbersome and some people on this site have even said that it is hard work even to execute a simple order.
Any help greatly appreciated.

It is not really true that the TWS is cumbersome. About 6 weeks ago a new "Book Trader" facility was introduced, which is essentially a level 2 screen on which you can enter your orders with one click (pretty standard stuff). This has closed up the main gap in terms of user friendliness. If you want to hook up another order execution device, you can use the API provided, but this is certainly less necessary than it was, unless you want your orders to be system generated.
I agree with growltiger in that TWS is not as bad as many make out and I am able to place and execute an order in under 1 second using TWS. That said, I have taken to using Excel as an interface to trade with IB and it works very well.

Trader333 said:
I...] have taken to using Excel as an interface to trade with IB and it works very well.

Paul, does IB provide a DDE link for Excel or is this something you've written yourself?

IB provide the DDE Link but you have to enable it in the API configuration settings.

There's nothing wrong with TWS it's not that complicated to use once you are used to it, it just looks it compared to spreadbet company software where you have great big buy or sell buttons and thats it.

If you want to semi-automate a trading system I would recommend Ninjatrader but don't bother with the fancy bits in that like stop-limits with a negative offset or auto-chase as they tend to be a tad unreliable.