Don't start with a course, you'll learn nothing that you cant learn yourself.
And that too is your best system, one that you have worked long and hard to develop yourself.
Don't start with a course, you'll learn nothing that you cant learn yourself.
And that too is your best system, one that you have worked long and hard to develop yourself.
I suggest you try out first some systems for yourself, you can easily find those around forums like these. Try which approach fits your personality and style, and then take it from there and look for a course for that specific approach.
Trading is not like: I pick a course, try to master it, and it will work wonders for me.
Lets take a look at these:
You'd like a professional course?
what constitutes professional..traders university? Thats a university, has to be professional right? Online trading academy maybe?..these are just people trying to sell you something. Professional doesnt exist
DVD..why DVD? Is a video of a man telling how great his trade was in hindsight is going to teach you something more than that on which is all free
something which you can successfully use..thats clearly where I, and thousands like me, have just been going wrong all this time. All I needed was a course that I could successfully use.
Cristio, good luck in that search..traders university like I say will give you a professional "looking" course with a DVD (oh yes, just like you asked for) with lots of people who were foolish to sign up and claim how it made them thousands. Maybe you could be one of the lucky ones?