Hi Judgemental and Belgianbird
I dont know if this is any help but I too am a learner and of the opinion that this kind of help if any good can be a real aid to us with L plates!!
Iknow of and had business with Fleet St Pubs and have never had a prob with them. They seem to promote a fair range but Im led to believe that they do vet the info to a reasnable degree first.
Also I have recently been to London Stock Exchange for a day long seminar by various speakers, one of which was P. Collier.
Not only was his talk on options very good but it was taught in such a way that something I had been stuck on for months was all of a sudden clear as a bell.!!
I met him after and he seems a nice guy, humble and genuine enough. He was as usual surrounded by the "clever" people who seem to know it all and he was having to explain something to someone who was so obviously greedy and wanted a quick fix. He managed to do it without losing it which I think was a miracle!!
Options can make you a lot but you need to be patient and careful.
The same can be said for all types of trading!!
I personally will be giving him a try when Im ready to get into that side of trading. I have a gut feeling that he is one of those people who will honour the guarantee.
Please let us know if and how you get on as this is what this site is all about....
Help for as many as poss.
.......Hopefully before hard earned cash gets wasted
'appy trading!!!