OptionMaster [school project]


I would like to share with the community a tool I have been working on; I wrote it originally to help my :smart: Options/Futures MBA class, but I believe others who do swing trading or long term trading can benefit from it.

Link (standalone VB6 program): http://www.bmfusion.com/temp/OptionMaster.exe
If you are missing VB6 runtimes (XP and above usually have them): http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/...61-7A9C-43E7-9117-F673077FFB3C&displaylang=en

* Options Chains - Various fields; delta, theta, delta leverage, time value %, etc.
* Market Profile - See the volume distribution of the stock for a custom number of days; darker color is volume further in the past
* Real-time ECN - look at the streaming ECN books
* This tool is for educational use only. Use at your own risk.
* Comments are welcome
* Note that time values can be negative due to afterhours trading due to time lag rather than mispricing; in this case IVol% is set to zero.


I have been exploring using LEAPS (long-term options) to replicate the underlying stock for medium to long term portfolios. The underlying always has a delta of 1.00; buying long term options deep in the money (time val % < 25%) provides a lower cost per delta with minimal time decay. Portfolio risk (from market directional shifts) can be controlled by having similar amounts of puts/calls. Typically, entering a position occurs when the price is above or below a certain % of the market profile (for instance, top or bottom 25%). In the current market, volatility is high and options are overpriced relative to historical volatility; unfortunately this happened after I started working on this strategy. Perhaps when the market settles it would be more appropriate. However, buying the stocks directly still works with the volume profile idea.