Online London futures broker


Hi everyone,

I would like to find a broker with the following requirements:
-The broker must have its headquarters in London.
-It must be possible to trade futures of indexes (futures of ftse, dax, dow jones...).
-It must be possible to trade via web, just with your internet browser, without having to download an application to your computer.
-Flat-rate in the commission that you pay for every trade, independently of the number of trades you make per month or any other thing.
-The lower the commission, the better.

I've been googling for a while, I haven't been able to find any broker with this characteristics.
Berkeley Futures is the closest I can think of, although I'm not sure if they will let you manage orders through a browser, they usually offer a Java client. Doesn't hurt to ask them I guess.

Yes berkeleys are the one for you and you can trade over the webusing their IQ Trader Platform, they also have a policy of two rings pick up on their dealing desk for when your PC hangs and im use they have a web IF for you to use........


Hi everyone,

I would like to find a broker with the following requirements:
-The broker must have its headquarters in London.
-It must be possible to trade futures of indexes (futures of ftse, dax, dow jones...).
-It must be possible to trade via web, just with your internet browser, without having to download an application to your computer.
-Flat-rate in the commission that you pay for every trade, independently of the number of trades you make per month or any other thing.
-The lower the commission, the better.

I've been googling for a while, I haven't been able to find any broker with this characteristics.
Thank you guys, more replies are still welcome.

You're welcome, btw Berkeley indeed provides the web browser solution you are asking for and margins are really good (commissions are ok too). I recently became a customer and the service and platform is superb, so far.