Omnitrader Metastock

Have decided to change my iMac into a pc, by installing Vitual Pc and upgrading the ram, to make it easier to run both.
Having a trial of both Metastock and Omnitrader, considering maybe purchasing one or the other or maybe both, as i know some of you guys use these softwares, any pointers, advise, comments ect would be appreciated.
Regards Col
it's really a matter of personal preference - i got a lot out of omnitrader as a beginner but i prefer sharescope and metastock together.
Hill Farmer,

Sharescope give me the following:

a) data feed (inexpensive)
b) capital gains tax calculations
c) portfolio management
d) fundamental data (eg. capitalisation, NMS, shares in issue, EPS, Dividend, yield, peg plis historic data (seems to be updated quarlterly and includes interims) ETC.
e) data mining - complex filtering functions (complementary to metastock)
f) directors dealings
g) news feed (seems to be edited though!)

In fact Sharescope was the first package that I bought and currently the only one I am using. I benefited from the Omnitrader/Metastock trading methodology and bibliography mostly though Metastock has superior charting and query functions.