Oil charting software - CQG or other?

Papa Lazarou

Hi All,

I'm in the process of reviewing our charting software. Currently I use CQG, but have found recently there have been network buffering issues when the oil prices spike. To be fair this may be an issue my end and I am working with them to resolve.

However, it made me think about whether we have the optimum solution for energy. I wondered what people here used for charting, especially when charting synthetic instruments like cracks and flies.

Can anyone recommend any charting platforms that perform particularly well for oil and oil product futures? Perhaps they have good forward curve charting, or maybe some kind of scanning tools.

Or is CQG still the best? I assumed because it is the most expensive, it must be; but I want to research other possibilities.

I would have put this in the charting section - but it's energy specific.

Look forward to hearing back from fellow oil traders.

Try xtrader charting, xstudy. I've been on it for years and am a big fan of their butterfly charts in conjuction with theri autospreader.
@Papa Lazarou, in addition to @covered_call's suggestions, you should also try ProphetX, all the oil majors in Fortune 100 use it and several other energy and commdities traders use it as well.

They are known for their charting and highly recommended by its users. You can request a free trial to check out for yourself at DTN ProphetX Trial | Telvent