NQU20 sept2020 nasdaq100 [futures][dunno or need the other code[for the moment


Active member
if somone has the roll over date codes for the NQ futures, i could copy from here, directly, if I find my way back here, which is quite likely. please post the monthly date code? NO, I can sort that out anytime in 1 minute aka 1m.

but I am interested in using options to limit catastrophic risk, if I begin holding futures positions overnight. If u have that info, it would be greatly apprerciated.

last 3days of 30m pricebars, the dots are the london and european session opens, otherwise, those are dunnigan paintbars.

and real [ pricebars, there must be 4 or more correctly 2 per hour, 48 per day? minus 1 perhaps, it doesn't interst me either. but it always leads to something interesting so I will stop for now.
and try to get this pic copied into this note

same 30m chart, compressed, don't want to say what I see, but abstractly I can distract myself from that thot, and ramble for the rest of my life. For instance, it's easier to see the trend, over this 2 and 1/2 months, sorry, 2.5 months. By looking at a daily chart with aprox 50 pricebars or 52+1 or so, I do this

intentionally, to torture my brain, to [more easily, locate and quickly store, important stuff, by practicing juggling nonsensical logical patterns.

so does it matter that I count [each slight deviation} each mistake as an aprox weight of for instance, I know when I checked the part at that end, I shorted myself 1 or 2, on the plus or minus side[where it makes a big difference, in being able to track twisted logic, [only imo],

os lighten up, give me time to become comfortable and I will prove something about 2+2=4, which is what everyone expects as the pinacle of evidence, that's always laid in front of realty, along side whether a person is slurring his letters, especially if he knows pinacle[ or whatever it's spelled, is a typical goal, I'm familiar with, I can spell it. But I can't fit spelling it into the rest of my busy liffe, unless I give up production, my results, I attain by being a productive member of society. Somewhere within there, I could split that into 99 double downs, latch onto anything about u, and speed away with the logic that would have u thinking I invented a new cat of quanty reviewing, yeah I missed the i or whatever is neededd, back there, beghind me, but I'm

up here, deleting my genetic tendcy to favor useless words like quantative analysis, which in extreme cases, yeah, I've memorized the important ones, like anonymous, that's an easy one, but try quanty review, and then ditch it for a new cat, keeping count, or scoring, when the other teams balls up in the air?? [begin simulations[0 thru 99, must be at least 1 idea to make that invention flyable, perhaps to distant galazies, yeah, spelling, we need to fix the layout of our languaage's preference for the wrong letters, or blame it on whoever discouraged fixing the [imaginary problem, with keybds,

as traders, you've all optimized millions of strategies,. you've written, at least in your (inside your) heads, you've written thots to yourself, linking connections, to auxillary, similar thots, grouped them into logical order, and not yet noticed the benefits of running a 24/7 optimaization within your brain, following the same cut and run genetic's, random combos, climbing that hill, up to a [ , ] neighborhood of pinnacles, where the lowest valley is green, above water.

I will complete this thot another time

a few more bars than 2 weeks, worth, plus some lines I replicated from the lowest line [seed];

I can't find anything [ within me ] that wants to look at a chart this minute, so perhaps when I recover from opening this journal, will be a better effort, and result.

I've developed a fondness for the word fondness, and at the moment, I am deliberately iterating that gangster cryto currency, into existence, by first defining a need for it to exist, ect, ect, u go and give it a try, discover and invent your own, genstones, or ask, I have a shelf full of ideas. I don't need bitcoin, I have a brain instead, and indeed crypto currencies are another of my weakest fears, , I would rather be on the inveenting side of it than the consumer of it, until it becomes more common, with my generation, which already had NQ futures, ect, and didn't or couldn't or wouldn't allow anything new to distract me, from pursuing a viable method for trading the NQ.

hey, it's not clear why there's a delay in posting msgs but each gui has it's plus's [i guess]

i'm unable to post here[without waiting] between
but the cut n paste[hey zucker, "Sup?}[least u got twitter beast on [tech support]they wanna complicate[their life]
a semi random probability algorithm [beast's everyth[xcept[nxt vers[ions][diversion, this is the nexst pic paty attn, next pic