No bread? Let them eat cake!


Legendary member
So the Duke of York has decided that the bonuses given to bank executives are peanuts. Perhaps, his grandmother would be pleased if the Crown was to subsidise those payments, instead of the taxpayer.

I do not understand why a member of Britain's most privileged family has to make a statement like that when he must know that so many of his compatriots are finding it difficult to make ends meet.
Hmm ..... I see the Duke has a firm grasp of the political essentials :LOL:.

I wonder who his speech writer is, and I bet they didn't run that past the Spin Doctors. Should go down well with the unemployed/those on short time/hardup/redundant working classes - and oh! potential BNP voters who feel they've been betrayed.
I see it's the same everywhere.

Nobody with a minimum common sense should say that in the current situation.

Indeed, being a member of Britain's most privileged family makes it even more disgusting.

The breach between the poor and the rich is growing. Mid-class is an endangered specie.
The worrying thing is, he actually seems to be one of the more intelligent of that family. Of course you know the rumours...
So the Duke of York has decided that the bonuses given to bank executives are peanuts. Perhaps, his grandmother would be pleased if the Crown was to subsidise those payments, instead of the taxpayer.

I do not understand why a member of Britain's most privileged family has to make a statement like that when he must know that so many of his compatriots are finding it difficult to make ends meet.

I reckon his mates at the lodge asked him to do it:whistling
I guess the prince's remarks didn't go down all that well ....

Oh well .... let's evoke Christianity instead i.e. profits are good not evil. And therefore the bankers deserve their ill gotten gains (the gist I got from recent Bloomberg reports and what senior bankers are now saying)