Next step to Totalitarianism?


Legendary member
BBC News - Campaigners criticise email and web monitoring plan

The UK government proposes the monitoring of all electronic communications.
In a way, they can already do this, but they are coming clean about it.

All your web-visits, to googling for "Al-Queda bomb-making" or "how to build a nuclear bomb" or "islamic martyrdom" to "porn" and "transgender transvestitism" will be logged.
Membership of any newsgroups, political or otherwise, can, at the whim of a politican be deemed "unsuitable", be logged and marked against you.

Calls to your mistress(es), purchasing patterns, etc will be logged.
Strictly speaking, your physical movements can be monitored via mobiles.

It is, of course, for "our" safety.
There will be the "if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear" response.

Somehow, I don't feel safer knowing this.
Any thoughts on this? (note, your responses will be logged and held against you.)
BBC News - Campaigners criticise email and web monitoring plan

The UK government proposes the monitoring of all electronic communications.
In a way, they can already do this, but they are coming clean about it.

All your web-visits, to googling for "Al-Queda bomb-making" or "how to build a nuclear bomb" or "islamic martyrdom" to "porn" and "transgender transvestitism" will be logged.
Membership of any newsgroups, political or otherwise, can, at the whim of a politican be deemed "unsuitable", be logged and marked against you.

Calls to your mistress(es), purchasing patterns, etc will be logged.
Strictly speaking, your physical movements can be monitored via mobiles.

It is, of course, for "our" safety.
There will be the "if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear" response.

Somehow, I don't feel safer knowing this.
Any thoughts on this? (note, your responses will be logged and held against you.)

This will make the socialists of the forum happy. They want more and more Government in our lives.
This will make the socialists of the forum happy. They want more and more Government in our lives.

Getting my MP microchipped would be a fantastic idea. Noone ever has a clue where she is or what she's doing.
Getting my MP microchipped would be a fantastic idea. Noone ever has a clue where she is or what she's doing.


well... until election time. Then they seem to occupy each and every street at the same time with a handful of fliers.
On a related note, the case of Liam Stacey should terrify everyone. First, I need to point out the blindingly obvious about what he did, otherwise I am a racist and worse than Hitler.

Now that's done, consider what has happened. I have seen his posts and very unpleasant though they are, they certainly do not constitute incitement. So we have a British subject who has been imprisoned in Britain for writing nasty things on his own twitter account.

This is one of the most significant events of your lifetime. Remember it well, for it marks the point where the state was finally bold enough to come into the open and declare that this is no longer a free country.

You may not like what he wrote - what decent person could? But the principle that the state can act in this way has now been established, and the practice will be extended, of that you can be sure.

First they came for the communists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for me
and there was no one left to speak out for me.
Now all the Marxists and Communists can get a taste of what it was really like. Their classical rebuttal is, of course, "it wasn't true Communism". I **** my mates off all the time by saying that.
We are already at a stage that would make george orwell (1984) wince. the uk has been livingunder a totalitarian regime for centuries. its just so in your face now.
I didn't notice this at first, but it's interesting at what order you put those italicized words in. Are you trying to stay that communists, trade unions and Jews are the only people that speak for truth and liberty?

I don't identify with communists or trade unions, and I'm not a Jew, so why would these three entities be used in the way you used them to make it seem as though these and the "only" entities/people that have "spoken out".

Also, giving the collective behavior of Israel, I don't think jews are the ones to be giving moral lectures, no matter what may have happened to them almost 100 years ago already. Really VERY interesting italicized text.

Communism and Trade Unions are like democracy in the fact that the average person is screwed anyway, so who in their right freaking mind would want any of the above to speak FOR them when they don't even represent you in the FIRST place? Crazy!
I didn't notice this at first, but it's interesting at what order you put those italicized words in. Are you trying to stay that communists, trade unions and Jews are the only people that speak for truth and liberty?

I don't identify with communists or trade unions, and I'm not a Jew, so why would these three entities be used in the way you used them to make it seem as though these and the "only" entities/people that have "spoken out".

Also, giving the collective behavior of Israel, I don't think jews are the ones to be giving moral lectures, no matter what may have happened to them almost 100 years ago already. Really VERY interesting italicized text.

Communism and Trade Unions are like democracy in the fact that the average person is screwed anyway, so who in their right freaking mind would want any of the above to speak FOR them when they don't even represent you in the FIRST place? Crazy!


I was going to give a straight reply to your post, simply directing you to a google search, but your ignorant and vile comments about Israel and the Holocaust (which ended in 1945, moron, so nothing like "almost 100 years ago already") made me change my mind.

First, you are to be congratulated. In my opinion you have plumbed new depths and made perhaps the stupidest post in the history of T2W.

The "really VERY interesting italicized text" is actually a quote (one of several versions) attributed to Martin Niemöller, a man who was imprisoned by the Nazis in Dachau. He was not a Jew, he was not a trade unionist, and he was a fervent anti-communist.

I am amazed that you have never seen the quote, although I am more amazed that you so singularly failed to grasp its significance, especially given the context in which it was placed. It seems to me to be so obvious it takes a remarkable ability to miss it.

See if you can work out what the quote (very beautifully, powerfully and succinctly) is trying to get across. I will give you a hint - it has nothing to do with Jews (whom you seem to despise so passionately), communists or trade unionists. Another version of the quote also mentions Catholics, Protestants and industrialists. It has nothing to do with them either. In fact, the whole point of the quote is that it does not relate to any specific groups.

Now off you go.