Newbie FT Trader


Active member
Hi all,

Brief introduction to myself: I used to be a ft IT project manager in the city until recently. I am looking now at trading (so any tips I will take gratefully (after careful consideration 😀 )

What inventory does a newbie trader need ?
I want to buy and sell the indexes for SP500, possibly FTSE (but I need to finialise my strategy). Until recently I have been using the quotes from siliconinvestors to try and price my wins (and quite a few losses too 😡 )

Hi Pervaz

May I first ask how long you have been trading for, as it takes a lot of experience to make the switch from part-time trader to a full-time one.

If you have got plenty of experience and money behind you, then the minimum you would need is a computer fast enough to run your brokers software, a charting package and a live feed (with a reliable internet connection), but coming from an IT background, I don't think you needed to be told that 😀

To trade the indicies, I'm not sure what (if any) extra software you would need. I'm sure there is a lot more experienced index traders here to help you.

There are some posts in the thread "Spread Betting" by DAVIEGRANT, which you might find of interest in your quest.

Thanks guys

Thanks guys for the info. I notice there are a lot of guys from London maybe we should meet up one day 😛