Hello T2W members!
Basically I'm a new to trading and hedge funds HOWEVER I've come across an opportunity and I just wanted to know how I can carry out the task and what I would need to do. Really would appreciate your help!
I want to build a property hedge fund. I have access to stock worth around £1.5m and can purchase it at around £1m. The property is RICS (Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors) certified meaning the values are pretty solid. There's very little chance of the property values going down anymore in this market on properties below the price of £100k but nonetheless the values has been certified.
Now I am pretty confident I can raise investment and am looking to raise between £1m to buy the stock. We're looking at minimum investment of £10k per investor with a GUARANTEED return of 10% return on investment.
So that's the stock sorted, and like I said, I believe I can raise the finance as well. I can get KPMG to be the accountants and can get Natwest on board as well. Now for the tricky bit, what would I need to do/consider to arrange this hedge fund? I appreciate some of you will answer 'Call a solcitor or account' but I just want to get an idea of what I need to do before I call these people. Don't want to be easy prey 😱 What would be a rough cost to set this up and how quickly could I set this up?
Any constructive suggestions would be welcomed 🙂
Basically I'm a new to trading and hedge funds HOWEVER I've come across an opportunity and I just wanted to know how I can carry out the task and what I would need to do. Really would appreciate your help!
I want to build a property hedge fund. I have access to stock worth around £1.5m and can purchase it at around £1m. The property is RICS (Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors) certified meaning the values are pretty solid. There's very little chance of the property values going down anymore in this market on properties below the price of £100k but nonetheless the values has been certified.
Now I am pretty confident I can raise investment and am looking to raise between £1m to buy the stock. We're looking at minimum investment of £10k per investor with a GUARANTEED return of 10% return on investment.
So that's the stock sorted, and like I said, I believe I can raise the finance as well. I can get KPMG to be the accountants and can get Natwest on board as well. Now for the tricky bit, what would I need to do/consider to arrange this hedge fund? I appreciate some of you will answer 'Call a solcitor or account' but I just want to get an idea of what I need to do before I call these people. Don't want to be easy prey 😱 What would be a rough cost to set this up and how quickly could I set this up?
Any constructive suggestions would be welcomed 🙂