Neuroshell Trader


You need to enable paper and out-of-sample trading in the main settings first and then in the prediction settings when you are making the prediction.

In Intermarket trading systems by Katsanos there are step-by-step instructions on how to make a profitable Neuroshell system.
Anyone here succesfull in getting Neuroshell to send stop orders to MT4? Ive tried MTFeed but that doesnt seem to be able to send stop/limit orders to MT4 - only market orders.

Anyone knows how can I combine a trading strategy for 15m TF and another one for H1 TF? I want it to only take longs when both agree.


Anyone knows how can I combine a trading strategy for 15m TF and another one for H1 TF? I want it to only take longs when both agree.


You can use Emmetropia's Neuroshell Multiple Timeframe Indicator (NST-MTI) or Neuroshell Interchart Tools.

The NST-MTI had a website a while ago but it has gone now. Interchart Tools you can find here
I love this trading platform. I heard that they will be releasing v6 later this year. Do you have heard of the new features in v6? Anyone?

Forex lot size NS to MT


I couldn't figure out how to set fractionallot sizes for Forex in NS.
When I use 1, it trades one standard lot in MT4.
NS does not accept 0.1 for example.

Is there a way to accomplish that?
I love this trading platform. I heard that they will be releasing v6 later this year. Do you have heard of the new features in v6? Anyone?


They have been talking up the vers. 6 release for a long time (well over a year), but still nothing. When asked, they offer cryptic answers, but never anything useful. Until they offer a version that allows scaling in/out order placement, the Neuroshell platform is useless in terms of automated model trading. I'm kinda bummed about that, since I've purchased most of the Ward products, including Chaoshunter & numerous add-ons.

I'm only able to use the software for manual trading from the generated signals, thus inserting the human element, which sooner or later will lead to problems.
Actual vs Prediction signal


I am struggling with the several prediction outputs in NST.
What is actually the difference between actual and prediction signal?
When I use actual signal in a strategy, the performance is always better.
I am not sure though whether it makes sense to use actual signal.

Can anybody help me out?
Neuroshell Trader and Tradestation

Hi all,

I am a novice to NeuroShell, but I have been use Tradestation for years now. I love both software. Do you know about any kind solution to connect these two platforms?

1. How to connect Neuroshell and Tradestation's datafeed?

2. How to send output/BS signals from Neuroshell to TS?

Thank you for any helpfull piece of information.


I really think that NST is one of the best user friendly software in the market... the only thing that I can not find enough is backtesting + optimization results... I prefer Tradingblox for backtesting and optimization results... Tradingblox gives you a variable surface and you can easily visualize PnL surface in terms of variables... it is 3d surface ... so you can see the best area - most profitable and consistent area - while you are choosing your variables...

I didn't see such a test result in NST... do you know how I can optimize best trading results - but not the most profitable one- i would like to see the 3D chart... I am not looking for the best result I am looking for the consistent area in terms of Pnl ...
