Neuroshell / Stop loss


Hi all...its almost a month ive been using neuroshell... the question is, how to set the stop loss at neuroshell e.g 100 pip? ive try putting protective stop for 100 pip but its not working or i might do something? can someone explain step by step how to implement stop loss to the strategy? Thanks in advance...
If Low crosses below (Price Floor) then 1
if High crosses above (Price Floor) then -1

You can find the price floor function under (trading Strategy: Protective Stops).
Thanks so much mate :D. That was quick...will give it a try. Btw whats the function/mean for 1 and -1?
If Low crosses below (Price Floor) then 1
if High crosses above (Price Floor) then -1

where i can get those formula...sorry if i ask to many new to this..
If Low crosses below (Price Floor) then 1
if High crosses above (Price Floor) then -1

You can find the price floor function under (trading Strategy: Protective Stops).

Would you recommend Neuroshell ? I have, as brokers, Tradestation (platform version 8.6) and also Interactive Brokers, so a second question is whether there are automated interfaces between Neuroshell and TS or IB, if you happen to use either of them


Would you recommend Neuroshell ? I have, as brokers, Tradestation (platform version 8.6) and also Interactive Brokers, so a second question is whether there are automated interfaces between Neuroshell and TS or IB, if you happen to use either of them


Hi, dont know abt ts but ib will do...