Neuroshell prediction help


I am hoping that someone out there can lend a hand! I purchased Neuroshell due to the advertisement of its ability to fairly accurately predict such items as open, close, high, and low. But after some time now… after reading everything I can get my hands on… watching ever video offered… reading every forum I can find on the Neuroshell… I am still as lost as when I began!
What I’m asking help in is simply how can I get Neuroshell to show a 5 day prediction from the indicators I input into it.
Could someone please…
1. Shed some light as to the setups for predictions. (Am I missing a step??? Stuff like that)
2. How does Neuroshell display predictions?
3. How often should I re-run the optimizer? (I was thinking of re-running it once a week on say Saturday… to prepare it to run on Monday)
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
If people are using Neuroshell for EoD analysis… how does Neuroshell present the predicted values? Please could someone help me with this? Since MTFeed Pro is basically no longer supporting their product and there is not another MT feed out there (yet)… my only option is to use this on EoD trading! But I have been unable to work with the prediction portion of Neuroshell!
ok... i finally found what I was looking for! I have to say I'm not overly impressed with this forum! I seem to answer my own questions more than others helping... so.. anyways here’s what I found out! In short NeuroShell is about worthless as my EA’s for MT4 do a whole lot better than NST!

Let me start by saying that this trading tool has a fairly steep learning curve! But after spend some time learning how it works and answers it provides… you would honestly be better off flipping a coin to make your trading decisions!
Let me start with the predictions… all this tool does is looks for patterns that you have specified in the indictors to be used! So in short the same thing that a MT4 EA does… but costing over $2000! Even the so called experts are saying maybe you will see an increase of 10%... in my opinion not a good return on investment!
Now, let me say something positive about NeuroShell! If you are building an EA… you could use this to optimize your indicator settings a lot better than with MT itself! Other than that… its just a glorified EA! It’s a simple as that!

For those that are curious how this tool displays predictions… When the prediction is complete, it will show you historical buy and sell signals. As new data arrive in the future, those buy and sell signals will continue to appear with each new bar. You can insert a variety of indicators to plot how your profit is growing. So, like I said… its an EA with better analyzing capability! That’s about the sum of it!
So the question is... is it worth the price tag?!?! I would say Nope!