Need some pointers with IB API


Hi all,

I'm in the process of coding up my trading platform using IB's API in java. My strategy looks at the previous 10 (5 minutes bar) to determine entry. I just can't figure out a way to aggregate the info from reqRealTimeBars (5 seconds interval) to a 5 minute info. I understand I need to collect 60 instances of RealTimeBars callback which I have absolutely no problem in doing, but the problem is... How the heck should I approach in storing until the 5 minute mark hits and make it into one 5 minute "bar"? Much thanks and I hope i did a good job explaining it.
whats the respond for the reqRealTimeBars? i dont know what datatype is IB API returning to you, but in general i would store it into some array. Something like this:

1. making my own datatype as a class, for example RealTimeBar
2. making collection of RealTimeBars, like RTBCollection (extended by java.util.array)
3. initializing something like timeBars5Min = new RTBCollection(); and also unfinished5MinTB = new RTBCollection(60);
4. and coding something like this

realTimeBar = new RealTimeBar ();
realTimeBar = reqRealTimeBars();
if (!unfinished5MinTB.isFull())
unfinished5MinTB = new RTBCollection();
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