Need Help


Hello All,

i have betfair account and m living in pakistan so problem is moneybookers was only online bank which can they transfer money from pakistani a/c to betfair a/c. but from now they are not allowing transferring money for gambling kindly can anybody help me plz. and tell me 1 more thing is that can i make overseas credit card ? i can pay monthly installment . plz help me ..
you'll have to find another way to trade that is possible from your country. why would you rely on someone else to sort payments for you, unless you are laundering money or some other dodgy activity?
i m not doing dodgy aCtivity , i want your suggestions nothing else , i want to do betting on betfair site or payment mode is too difficult frm here so thats why i asked abt suggestion coOz i hve 1 sTupid mind n mAy bE u hAve ani idEa which can help me. thnx 4 yur rply.
trade a real trading account instead?
might have to learn a bit more about how to transfer what you are doing now to 'real world' trading- but its your only option (and a better one to be honest)

as far as betfair is concerned- if they won't accept pakistani accounts- then they won't. the only way around that is to get someone to do it for you in another country- which is why i responded the way i did. Forget trying to get around it- if they find out you are breaking their rules they will just close down your account anyway.
Register with a company whose name doesn't sound like a gambling site...

There was some company that allowed paypal, forget which.
trade a real trading account instead?
might have to learn a bit more about how to transfer what you are doing now to 'real world' trading- but its your only option (and a better one to be honest)

as far as betfair is concerned- if they won't accept pakistani accounts- then they won't. the only way around that is to get someone to do it for you in another country- which is why i responded the way i did. Forget trying to get around it- if they find out you are breaking their rules they will just close down your account anyway.

No , betfair accept accounts from pakistan and Jordan but the problem with moneybookers they stopped to fund betting websites for some international customers recently like me cuz i am from jordan , but my account at betfair still opened , anyway i dont care about betfair
sOo hoW can wE inVest mOney in betFair foR gOod pRofiT ? oR nW whAt i dO ? or there is ani bank in europe or USA which they can make overseas clients credit card ?
the barriers to sending money overseas for "gambling" are in place because such activity is deemed haram or un-islamic.
Please don't seek help/advice/support from others in trying to circumvent rules/laws that have been put in place by Elders of your own religion.

btw, the same difficulties also apply to non-Muslims living or working in your country. Your rules and laws are applied indiscriminately. Westerners just have to accept it and deal with it - why should you be any different ?
jawwad- i have said before- learn to trade properly instead. Very very few people are successful at gambling. Few are successful at trading either, but real trading offers far greater odds of success :).

What kind of bets are you doing at the moment on betfair? Let me know and i'll see if i can give you a 'real life trading' equivalent. With a little adaptation you can achieve a similar result.
hEllo eVeryBody !
@ UKTradergirl
yEa u r riTe dEar i have toO leArn trAding but i kNow liTTle bit abt btting on hOrsing rAcing , hi/lo systems , bt aCtually i cAnt relAy on this tYpe oF trAding or bEtting in mA dAily lYfe , i vAnt to ddOo buSiness in eUrope or uSa mkRtzZ of cOmpuTerz tHru inTernEt bt i need credit cArd fOr inVest cOoz i hVe Credit cArd and it hAs only Pakistani 35,000 limit which is nOt eNough . sOo tHis iS mAi pRob 4 mE . n i vAnt tOo dOo buSineSs aT ani cOst . i hEard eVery gr8 fORtuNe behinD thEre is a cRime. sOo i vAnt tOo mAke mOre n biG ..
hEllo eVeryBody !
@ UKTradergirl
yEa u r riTe dEar i have toO leArn trAding but i kNow liTTle bit abt btting on hOrsing rAcing , hi/lo systems , bt aCtually i cAnt relAy on this tYpe oF trAding or bEtting in mA dAily lYfe , i vAnt to ddOo buSiness in eUrope or uSa mkRtzZ of cOmpuTerz tHru inTernEt bt i need credit cArd fOr inVest cOoz i hVe Credit cArd and it hAs only Pakistani 35,000 limit which is nOt eNough . sOo tHis iS mAi pRob 4 mE . n i vAnt tOo dOo buSineSs aT ani cOst . i hEard eVery gr8 fORtuNe behinD thEre is a cRime. sOo i vAnt tOo mAke mOre n biG ..

Learn to write properly first
i haVe written CrrcTly poiNt is hOw to uNdersTand oTher pPlz pROblem nOt this hOw to wRite tHe sEnTence . . .
Looks a bit dodgy, but what is you actually need jawwad? I don't think anyone is going to help you break the law - unless the upside is VERY big. But no, not even then ...
i would love to help jawaad :) but with times being so hard and present economic conditions, im currently busy writing and forwarding emails to Nigeria asking for bank account details, money etc :p p.s a 0 and an o are not the same thing however close they might be on a keyboard :rolleyes: