Need help!!!


Hi there, could anyone here help me verify the following last trading dates for me please?

FTSE 100 Jun05 futures: 17Jun
Swiss Market Index Jun05 futures: 16Jun
CAC40 Jun05 futures: 17Jun
S&P MIB Jun05 futures: 18Jun

Many many thanks!!!!!!
vegasoul said:
Hi there, could anyone here help me verify the following last trading dates for me please?

FTSE 100 Jun05 futures: 17Jun
Swiss Market Index Jun05 futures: 16Jun
CAC40 Jun05 futures: 17Jun
S&P MIB Jun05 futures: 18Jun

Many many thanks!!!!!!

ftse 100 contracts: expire on the third friday of delivery month at 10:30:30.

cac 40 futures: 16.00 Paris time. Third Friday in delivery month. In the event of the third Friday not being a business day, the Last Trading Day shall normally be the last business day preceding the third Friday.

S&P 500 : expires on the thrid friday of delivery month.

and for the Swiss Market Index : Last Trading Day is the exchange trading day immediately preceding the Final Settlement Day. Final Settlement Day is the third Friday of each contract month if this is an exchange trading day; otherwise the exchange trading day immediately preceding that Friday. Trading in the maturing futures contract ceases at 17:30 CET.