My EA forex ( profit 50% a 200% per month)

Not sure if I need one. What do I do with it and how have I managed this long without one? Will it make me dangly bits more dandy?
In that case, I'll have one for me mate whose missus I've been consorting with lately. Do you do gift wrap? Can you put on the card "To Seamus. This'll dandy up yer danglies and make Bridget smile. Which is what I did while you were at the match on Saturday. All the best, yer mate, Pat".
i've a PM from the OP for my post where i said i'm looking to invest 100k from demo account. he has sent me details- so very genuine...
My money is on our chappie being more comfortable with Italiano.

Ho vendere il mio EA in modo che il mio asino può avere un'operazione alle orecchie.
Can we make this TOTW - it's got more posts than the real one and they're seriously more amusing.
Have I got a deal for ya all or what?

Just before Julio was banned I confirmed the transfer and got the EA almost immediately by DHL. I've only just managed to get the EA into the cage in the attic and I'll leave it there until it calms down. I'm not askin 100 euros and not even 50, no, call it 10 euros and you can come up and poke sticks at it through the bars for 10 minutes.